Nature with equal mind, sees all her sons at play, sees man control the wind, the wind sweep man away.”
~Matthew Arnold (natal moon at 23 degrees Gemini)
The chart for this Full Moon in Gemini is dominated by a mutable cross. The four mutable signs are Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces. Qualities of the Mutable Cross include changeability, integration and transcendence that occur as human beings become more aware of a need that may not be satisfied by anything external to one self. It is said that, the mutable cross conditions the common herd, transforms animal man to an aspirant. Aspirant or aspiration referring to: The greatest gift we can offer the world is our aspiration for endless progress and self-perfection. Through our ascent in consciousness, the world around us ascends. ( planets and points involved in this Full Moon represent a rather profound movement of energy from some very old and deep fears to a place of healing, recognizing the Self as unlimited and knowing that there is no separation, God and I are one. To start with there can be a desire to step out of the illusion that we have experienced over and over again. This arrived at through weariness of hitting one’s head against the wall repeatedly. In a grand square, that is a cross, it can seem as though we keep running into the same ‘dilemmas’ without rest, e.g. apparently being taken advantage of by other people and rarely receiving what you think you want no matter how much you give to others.The Sun/Moon in opposition, when finally we become aware that there is nothing outside of my self that is not me or my true nature. Sun in Sagittarius, all beliefs that would limit one from knowing Truth are revealed to be products of a past that do not exist in this moment. Moon in Gemini, the emotional experience is fleeting, not deep. Memories gain little foot hold here. Feeling the moment or being aware of what is right now is facilitated by this opposition. Squaring this axis of innocence and creative expression, are Chiron, the wounded healer and the Black Moon Lilith—quite a pair! Chiron in Pisces since May 2010, focuses our attention to the wound that lies between the warp and weft of humanity. All the stories that have been told since language first emerged, have woven the fabric we experience here that has certain flaws or the potential to shroud us in illusion.Those stories are finding fewer footholds in our consciousness. They are being recognized as stories rather than truths by which we are obligated to conduct our selves. The notion of suffering as part of the human condition has new light cast upon it. We are enjoying life in ways that we have not allowed our selves the pleasure of in centuries past. The Black Moon Lilith spurs Chiron into an expediated healing process by reflecting that our wounds so easily deny us ‘access’ to Truth. One must be brave enough to explore the depths of nothingness that BML is in order to gain freedom. BML is a point in space not a planet or an asteroid where the shadow of the moon at its furthest from the earth stops. The focal point of a shadow in dark space—our fears run rampant here and yet when we embrace the meaning of this point we see that it is an eternal place, and as it is nothing also contains everything. There is enormous light in the deepest, darkest aspect of existence.A mutable cross nothing sticks, the breeze is apt to cast off any notion that desires to cling or even remain stationary. We know that everything on this planet is temporary and that is not my true nature. My true nature is what remains always ‘unaffected’ by any occurrence, event or doings of any human being.Mercury conjuncts the Sun in Sagittarius; we know the mind as servant and find mastery over thoughts. This guided by a Uranus/Mercury/Sun trine. Illumination is for all those ready to receive. Mars just into Aquarius at 1 degree; innovative, ingenious, visionary, confident utilization of energy to benefit the collective. A quintile to Uranus (72 degrees-5th harmonic, potential for human creativity) ensures the elevated expression of this Mars. Moon/Mars sesquisquare (135 degrees-a do or die aspect). Accidents will happen if we do not pay attention. Don’t get distracted! Uranus and Pluto in exact square. De-structuring continues as this square moves closer to its final square that occurs in March 2015. Uranus and Pluto both aspect the Sun/Moon emphasizing the dissolution of patterns whether we like it or not.If we keep in mind that liberty is the final outcome none of what we appear to lose seems to have much relevance. Jupiter, growth and Saturn responsibility, squaring off in fixed signs contribute some needed practical grounding to this chart. As anchor they ensure that wisdom and discipline guide us to being here in physical reality in a way that serves all of us.As the last Full Moon of the year let us not forget to express gratitude to our selves for the amazing persistence we have in leaving no stone unturned in our quest to know Truth. And to the synchronicities that inevitably find us in the right place at the right time to receive exactly what we need in any given moment. And to our acceptance of what is in this moment as being the perfect expression of the absolute—could not be more, better or different. May our sails be filled with the wind of change that inevitably carries us home.