Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse | Friday 1/10/2020, at 20 degrees Cancer

full moon in cancer 2020

Collage by Brandi Van Nevel


This is the perfect Moon to turn inward after the busy holiday season to restore, recharge and energetically clear the way for a New Year. It is an invitation to pause, sit with yourself, and align with your roots. Coupled with a Lunar Eclipse, this Moon helps you get in touch with what makes you feel good so you can incorporate more of it into your life in 2020. To create the life of your dreams, you must first understand yourself at a soul level. This is the Moon to get into touch with what brings you joy, relieves your worries and helps you create a life of balance and soul fulfillment. @SpiritDaughterWe ended 2019 with a solar eclipse in Capricorn and will begin 2020 with a lunar eclipse in Cancer. An emotionally charged exit and entrance that helps to clarify what to focus on for the coming year. Eclipses tend to bring one chapter to a close while another opens. The first eclipse of the year is a lunar eclipse in Cancer on January 10th. It asks us to ponder what radical care might look like for ourselves, our families, and our communities. Chani Nicholas 


I open to my deep bonds with Life.I connect deeply with the Feminine Divine, and welcome Her nurturing and healing love deep into my being.I claim my Spiritual heritage.I am always Home when I connect within.

~ adapted from Carla Mary

Crystals for the Full Moon in Cancer

Calcite ~ The Calcite crystal and its powers of absorption have turned it into a powerful sponge that soaks up toxic emotions and negativity, which can burst out unexpectedly during the full moon. It comes in many colors, each with a slightly different significance- orange calcite for positivity, green clacite for luck, blue calcite for clear communication...Carnelian ~ A stabilising stone, Carnelian restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success. Carnelian is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. During the Full Moon in Cancer, Carnelian provides the Oomph! you need to sort through all the feelings, to visualize and plan your next step.Moonstone ~ A dreamy, ethereal stone that channels the moon, a force that has the power to push and pull the tides of our great oceans and your emotions. Moonstone reminds us of the cycles of life, the endless returning of the dawn after each dark night. It is associated with the Sacred Feminine, empowering you with the gift of increased intuition, the perfect prescription for cleansing the mind of negative emotions holding you back. Moonstone reminds you to LOVE YOURSELF openly and unconditionally, without judgement.

Moonstone Dreams Meditation

"With a predominantly feminine chart and a Full Moon in responsive and sensitive Cancer, we look to our flowing from our soft inner body-our feelings, our hearts, our feminine wisdom." ~ Pat Liles, ThePowerPath.com. This Full Moon in Cancer is a perfect opportunity to connect with the healing and creative power of the Divine Feminine, embodied in the shimmering Moonstone crystal.

For a deep and healing therapeutic session with Moonstone, retreat into a sacred healing space free of clutter and distractions. Meditate on your intention for the new moon and the next monthly (or yearly!) phase of goals, aspirations, and dreams you have for your life.

Question to ask yourself:Are you living your joy?Are you being creative?Are you rooted?Are you living in your spiritual home within and in your environment?

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