"When we are fully aligned with Capricorn, we live a purposeful life that resonates with our core values. We extend our truth into the world from a firm foundation rooted in the soul."~Spirit Daughter
"Capricorn wants each of us to live a life of purpose. Your purpose is something that comes from deep within your soul. It is how you extend the roots of your being into the world. Capricorn is also associated with integrity. This energy wants us to show up in the world standing firmly in our truth. It challenges us to be the same person no matter where we are, who we are with, or what situation arises. Furthermore, having integrity means we interact with the world consistently in a way that matches our core ideals and beliefs. When we are fully aligned with Capricorn, we live a purposeful life that resonates with our core values. We extend our truth into the world from a firm foundation rooted in the soul. We also understand that part of our life’s work is to find the truth of our being and fully understand who we are in is this lifetime.
The Capricorn Full Moon is a time to go within and understand your core essence. It’s a time to commit to finding your purpose and shed anything that distracts you, including your emotions. Your feelings are important to pay attention to and understand, but Capricorn asks that you see them as information. They do not define you, but they can give you clues to what is most important to you. Emotions do not need to be a distraction from your purpose. They can be a doorway to finding out who you are and what matters most to your soul."
"The Full Moon peaks at 6:07 p.m. PDT on Friday, June 21, when the Moon is at 01°07' Capricorn and the Sun is exactly opposite, at the same degree of Cancer. This lunation invites us to find a healthy balance between the qualities associated with the two opposing signs: between objectivity and subjectivity, between capability and vulnerability, between outer accomplishment and inner nourishment, between fulfilling a sense of purpose and meeting our emotional needs."
6/20 Summer Solstice ~ Marks the beginning of Summer and the longest day and shortest night of the year; celebration of the light.
6/20 to 6/21: Inti Rayni ~ Inca festival honoring Sun God Inti.
6/20 to 6/21: Feast of the Great Spirit/Great Mystery that encompasses Mother Earth and Father Sky ~ honoring Deity as Orenda (Iroquois), Wakan Tanka (Lakota) & Awonawilona (Zuni).
6/20 to 6/23: Lakota Sun Dance ~ Festival of prayer, fasting, dancing, and healing in honor of Sun God Wi; offerings are also made to Maka/Mother Earth and Haokah/Father Sky. Lakotas believe all Deities are aspects of Creator Takuskanskan.
6/24 to 6/27: Zuni Corn Dance ~ for fertility and rains to aid the maize, bean, and squash crops. Prayer sticks are planted in the fields.
Wearing, carrying, and connecting with these crystals during the Solstice can help you harness the potent energy of this seasonal shift, promoting growth, positivity, and personal empowerment.
Carnelian: This fiery orange stone encourages motivation, courage, and creativity. It enhances energy levels, restores vitality, and helps in manifesting one's goals, aligning well with the dynamic energy of the solstice. Calms anger, banishes emotional negativity and replaces it with a love of life! Supports trusting yourself and your perceptions, and promotes positive life choices. Carnelian Tumbled Stones
Sunstone | As the name suggests, Sunstone embodies the energy of the sun, bringing warmth, vitality, and a sense of empowerment. It's perfect for celebrating the start of summer. An excellent mood-lifting stone, it alleviates fearfulness and encourages leadership and independence. It invites you to be open, warm, and kind. It will bring about a willingness to give joy and happiness to others. Sunstone Tumbled Stones
Tiger's Eye | Tiger's Eye crystal gets its healing properties from a combination of the sun and Earth elements. This is what gives it both grounding and inspiring vibrations. Tiger's Eye also enhances confidence and strength, making it a great crystal to work with during the Solstice. Tiger's Eye helps to unite one's will and desires, and bring ideas into reality. This crystal enhances integrity, willpower, practicality and the ability to bring heaven to earth. It has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity. Tiger's Eye Tumbled Stone | Tiger's Eye pendulum - in shop only
As we pull out our dancing shoes and get ready for Santa Barbara's 50th Annual Summer Solstice Parade this Saturday 6/22, we tap into the significance of sacred play, solar energy, and the energies of Capricorn and its ruler Saturn.
Our intuitive reader Kris Seraphine has a beautiful article on this topic, and one of the many strands she weaves is the idea of the Devil Card, specifically as introduced by James Wanless in his Voyager Tarot.
You can read the entire article "Ambrosia of Abundance: Full Moon in Capricorn", which includes more tarot correspondences, essential oils, and an abundance consecration ritual.
Symbolism: In the tarot, this is the traditional card that represents both the planet Saturn and the sign of Capricorn. The Devil stands on a pedestal, holding a torch downwards. Below, a man and woman are chained to the pedestal, their chains loose, symbolizing self-imposed bondage and limitation.
Guidance: During this full moon, it urges us to examine our material attachments and break free from self-imposed limitations, aligning with Capricorn’s focus on discipline and responsibility. As an alternate meaning of the Devil card, I often refer to James Wanless’ interpretation in the Voyager Tarot:
“Devil spelled backwards is ‘lived.’ Devil’s Play means to live fully and joyously, and to work and play to the point where play and work are the same. Celebrate the energy of your creative energy.”
Devil's Play (XV) is the Law of celebration in action;
it is saturnine discipline hidden under purple velvet;
it is the giggling laughter at obedience denied;
It is dancing in the rain
or galloping with moonlight.
The energy of Devil's Play is relaxed and free.
It reverses your marching beat and allows
fire and music to dance you
in Dionysian delight.
"As we focus our collective magic on abundance and prosperity for all, we help beings on this planet remember that the source of our abundance is within our hearts. If we connect with Divine Abundance centered in our hearts first and foremost, we will always remain both in overflow and in balance."