“To be nobody but yourself in a world doing its best to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle any human can ever fight and never stop fighting.” ~E. E. Cummings
I embrace my unique essence and honor my individuality. I release all that no longer serves me, making space for innovation, growth, and freedom. I am connected to the collective consciousness, and my actions contribute to the greater good. With clarity and vision, I step into the future, guided by my intuition and the boundless possibilities that await.
“Aquarius is a radical zodiac sign, an Air Sign which is always pushing the boundaries and invariably challenging the status quo. An Aquarius Full Moon is an astrological opportunity to reflect on how you’ve made a difference in the world. Whatever work you’ve done to try to further equality, fairness, justice or respect for the environment, however small, has been gratefully received by the cosmos and during the Full Moon period you should notice that a slight shift has occurred – thanks to your actions.”
“Astrologically, the Aquarius Full Moon is also a time for letting go of old, outdated things. Maybe clean out your closet or your attic or clean out your attitudes and your prejudices. Perhaps upgrade your ten-year-old phone or learn a new piece of tech. This is all about staying current and not being stuck in the past.”
“During the Aquarius Full Moon, become keenly aware of how you are influenced by society. How have you been programmed by the world around you? Our societal training comes in many forms. We learn from our parents, our schools, and our peers. Many of our lessons are deliberate, having been thought out by the people teaching them, but many of them are unconscious. In our early stages of development, we are like sponges. We absorb the environment around us and pick up habits, behaviors, and conditioned responses without our awareness or the awareness of the people whose behaviors we are absorbing. We also form concepts by merely living in a world full of other people whose combined knowledge creates the collective consciousness. Allow this Full Moon to help you find your individual freedom among the collective.”
“While the Full Moon sits in Aquarius, the Sun sits in Leo. We are working with both of these energies this day. The Moon’s energy is working with and playing off the Sun's. The vibrations of the current Sun sign bring out those qualities in all of us. During Leo Sun Season, we all have Leo's aspects heightened in our personalities, whether we are a Leo or not. When the Full Moon lands in Leo's opposing sign, Aquarius, we gain a new perspective of the lessons Leo is currently teaching us. We can view ourselves from a different angle and understand Leo's energies from a different perspective.”
Full Moons are about release and a pathway to evolve forward. On this full Moon in Aquarius, ask yourself what patterns show up over and over again, and look at how you learned those patterns. Ask yourself if you are suppressing your true nature in any way because it’s not accepted or respected by the people around you. Notice what you do when you feel a truth inside of you. Do you share it? Or do you suppress it? Feel into the energies that you want to release, the ones that don’t represent who you are at your core.
~Jill Wintersteen, via Yoga Journal
"This Full Moon in Aquarius’s unique energy is further amplified by its conjunction with Mercury Retrograde. Aquarius is the sign of innovation, freedom, and forward-thinking. However, with Mercury in retrograde, these advancements may come through revisiting past ideas, old conversations, or unresolved issues. Mercury Retrograde is often associated with miscommunications, delays, and the need for introspection. When it aligns with the Full Moon in Aquarius, expect a powerful push to rethink your approaches and review your plans. This is a time to embrace the unconventional, but also to be cautious about the clarity of your communications and the stability of your plans. Aquarius’s influence encourages us to think outside the box and challenge the status quo. Paired with Mercury Retrograde, this period is ideal for reassessing old projects and reviving them with fresh, innovative energy. It’s an invitation to balance progress with reflection, ensuring that your steps forward are informed by lessons from the past."
“I think it is healing behavior, to look at something so broken and see the possibility and wholeness in it.”
Peacock Ore | This magical stone has a rainbow metallic luster and is a stone for happiness and joy. It reminds us to be grateful for all we have. It helps ground the nervous system which calms the body. It teaches us to utilize our knowledge wisely and helps us develop on our spiritual path.
Aquamarine | A light blue colored stone of courage, Aquamarine's calming energies reduce stress and quiet the mind. This crystal clarifies perception and sharpens the intellect. It is useful for closure on all levels. Aquamarine also promotes self-expression, soothes fears, sharpens intuition and opens clairvoyance. Shields the aura and aligns the chakras.
Aquamarine Bracelet | Aquamarine Clusters | Aquamarine and Rainbow Moonstone Pendulum |
Kambaba Jasper| An extremely soothing and nurturing stone that induces calm and alleviates stress. This deep green and black stone contains ancient fossils, and carries a strong nature connection that nourishes and strengthens the heart chakra. Very grounding and stabilizing, Kambaba Jasper is also protective, helpful in clearing negative energy and releasing emotional turmoil. Use to encourage healing and growth in all areas.
"We need to make it safe for each other, not by calling each other out and finger pointing, but by calling each other in."
Purpose: To connect deeply with the Earth and the collective energy of all living beings, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all life under the illuminating Aquarius Full Moon.
You can do this under the light of the full moon at night, or anytime during the day. Know that the moon is glowing above you always.
How to Do It:
1. Set Your Intention:
Before your walk, take a moment to breathe deeply and set an intention for yourself. Some examples might be: "I embrace my uniqueness and trust in my intuition to guide me," or "I am connected to the collective consciousness, and my actions contribute to the greater good."
2. Mindful Walking:
Begin walking slowly and feel the Earth beneath your feet. Visualize roots extending from your feet into the ground, grounding you deeply. Because this full moon is in the air sign of Aquarius, feel both rooted and light as you bring awareness to the airy nature of this time.
3. Interconnectedness Meditation:
Find a quiet spot during your walk, perhaps under a tree or by a stream, where you can sit or stand comfortably. If you feel comfortable, close your eyes or focus your gaze, and visualize a web of energy that connects you to all beings—humans, animals, plants, and even the stars above. Breathe in this energy, feeling the connection between yourself and the world around you. As you breathe, bring to mind the inquiry, "What unique gifts or talents am I ready to share with the world?"
4. Gratitude Offering:
Express gratitude for the Earth and leave a small offering, such as a flower or stone, as a symbol of appreciation. As you walk on, visualize the Aquarius Full Moon’s energy flowing through you, grounding into the Earth and balancing your energy.
6. Reflect:
After your walk, reflect on your experience and how it deepened your sense of connection. Carry this feeling of unity with you. Take some Aquarian inspired action and utilize your unique talents and gifts to create some collective good in the world.
“Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love."