Photo credit: @plantes_et_potions on Instagram[/caption]
"Be so committed to your vision
That people stop asking what you are doing and
Simply move out of your way"
~ Spirit Daughter
Each month, the Full Moon is a time of significant growth. On a Full Moon, the Sun and Moon face each other head-on to bring out the full spectrum of energies held by both cosmic bodies. Their opposition illuminates the seen and unseen, the known and unknown, the shadow and the light. Under this full view, we can feel into the entire array of our own consciousness. We can bring energies to the surface of our mind to work with them, shift them, and ultimately transform ourselves. Each Full Moon brings us opportunities, but with these gifts comes challenges, ones we must accept and overcome to become our best self.
This Sunday we have our Full Moon in Aries. In the midst of Libra Season, Aries reminds us to place the focus back on ourselves. What do you want? What purpose are you here to fulfill? What makes you feel content with life? These are just some of the questions this Full Moon brings up in all of us. The challenge then, is how to merge our personal journey with experiencing life with other people. All while still balancing the energy you give and take in your partnerships.
~excerpted from Spirit Daughter
Ruby ~ This red variety of Corundum is filled with fire and passion. It helps you overcome mind-set blocks that may be keeping you from recognizing your true worth. This is especially true for those in leadership positions or for people who find themselves thrust into the spotlight. Ruby burns up negative self-thinking and helps you shine your inner light. Garnet ~ This crystal is associated with courage and bravery. If you've been letting your eg0 mind run wild with thoughts about how you stack up to others, reach for Garnet to help you ditch the comparisons. People can often compare themselves to others they know or admire as a way of seeing how they fit into society and what role they fill. Garnet encourages you to be brave and just be yourself.
~ Ashley Leavy, Cosmic Crystals
"In a forest of a hundred thousand trees, no two leaves are alike. And no two journeys along the same path are alike."
~ Paulo Coelho
Come on a journey through the forest primeval, a land of cool hollows, misty glades, and majestic ancient trees...Picture yourself walking down a path in the last golden hour before the setting of the sun...You can hear the sound of running water nearby, just out of sight. Breathe in the rich scent of the earth beneath your feet, and listen to the rustling leaves, the birds, the wind, all the sounds of the forest as evening falls on the land and all her creatures. The full moon rises guiding your way.The path rises gradually, a steady climb until at last you emerge from the trees into a clearing, at the top of the hill. You can see all the way to the horizon, looking far out over the treetops, all the way to the rising moon at the edge of the world. Take a moment to wonder at the beauty of the night as it arrives, as the low golden fiery light of the sun changes places with the cool, silver magic of the moonlight.In this moment of beauty at the boundary of night, the rising moon bathes you in her wise radiance...fearless and full of wonder, you stand tall in the clearing and receive two gifts, secrets of the heart which arise from nothing and fill your spirit with a hidden flame...The first gift is a truth about yourself. Hold it close, without judgement, and lovingly accept the gift of self-knowledge.The second gift is a truth about something dear to your heart - a goal, a dream, an activity that brings you great joy. Picture this in your mind's eye, and lovingly accept the gift of clarity.With your gifts, you walk back out of the clearing and into the forest. Now it is nighttime, and the sounds of the forest are more mysterious, the path is harder to follow than it was at sunset. You have to work intuitively, feeling your way slowly along the path, one step at a time in order to find your way home, out of the forest. As you inch your way down the path, allow yourself to wonder...Where does this path lead? Is there a place at the end of my journey, or an idea, or a person? Maybe it is an undefinable feeling, a sense of something beyond words...How will you use your gifts, on your return? Will you change your direction, adjust your path based on the truth about yourself, and what truly brings you joy?Now, imagine that you are nearing the close of this nighttime journey...You get to the bottom of the hill, and the trees begin to thin out as you reach the boundary of the forest. You will soon be returning to the world, to everything you came from and everything you are heading towards.When you finally emerge from the shelter of the trees, what do you see? Is someone there to meet you? Who are they? ...Are you near your home, or somewhere far away, or somewhere entirely new and unknown? Where are you headed and what will you do there when you arrive? How will you use your gifts? Do you know precisely what they are, or have you been given knowledge that is complex and layered, clarity that requires deeper reflection over time, in order to fully manifest? Allow the truth to unfold naturally, whether in an instantaneous flash of insight, or in the slowly rising warmth of a flame that is only just beginning to emerge...