"Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated, thus, everyone's task is unique as his specific opportunity to implement it." ~Viktor E. Frankl
I embrace my inner fire and move forward with clarity and courage.
I trust in my purpose and take bold steps toward my highest potential.
As we near the end of Libra season, the Aries Full Moon invites us to turn inward and focus on our own path and purpose. Aries, the warrior of the zodiac, brings a fiery energy that encourages action, courage, and the pursuit of our deepest dreams. This Full Moon is an opportunity to step back from external relationships and ask ourselves, "What do I truly want? What does my soul desire?" It’s a powerful moment to embrace your individuality, recognize your inner strength, and feel your life’s mission with clarity.
The Aries Full Moon also marks a time of harvesting the seeds planted six months ago during the New Moon in Aries. If those beginnings have flourished, now is the time to cultivate and celebrate them. If not, it’s an invitation to release what no longer serves you and move forward. By clearing away old burdens and creating inner space, we reconnect with our core self—the flame of clarity at our center. From this place of balance, we can find peace in the process of letting go and taking bold steps toward what truly matters.
“Near the end of Libra Season, we are greeted by the Aries Full Moon asking us to focus on ourselves, our purpose, and our soul’s journey. Aries is the warrior of the zodiac. This energy encourages us to take action, fight for what we believe in, and overcome any obstacles in the way of our dreams. This Full Moon always proves to be an exciting one and an opportunity to feel our life’s mission, then decide how to pursue it. Over this Full Moon, give yourself space away from the partnerships you’ve been working on for the last four weeks and focus on you. What do you want? What does your soul want?”
“During the Full Moon in Aries, which happens in autumn when the Sun is in Libra, rather than wanting to plant the seeds, this is the time when we want to cultivate the energy, to harvest the seeds that we planted six months ago during the New Moon in Aries back in spring. So the Aries Full Moon is the time when those things that we started to do, that were brand new, are now either coming to fruition and working, or not. If the seeds we planted are working for us, we then have to cultivate the crop, we have to harvest -- we have to do something with it. And if it’s not working, it’s time to let it go and to move on to something else.”
“The Aries Full Moon represents the flame of clarity that arises from this process of inner decluttering. Clearing away accumulation and releasing heavy burdens creates inner spaciousness and deeper self-knowing. This allows for a long awaited exhale that softens hard edges and outer fixations. The external gaze can finally turn within to the interior hearth flame that is your central self. Occupying this place of center is the point of balance on Libra's scales of justice. It is here where we live with one foot in the world of form/externality and the other in the world formlessness/interiority. Living from the center allows us to weigh all things in the balance and to hold multiple truths all at once.”
“The feeling of uncertainty can make you solve problems faster then is natural. Do not rush as if there was a deadline. Try to slow down so that you can decide what you want to do and proceed at your own comfortable pace.”
“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.”
Carnelian | A stabilizing stone that restores vitality, boosts creativity, and inspires courage. It promotes positive choices, dispels apathy, and helps you trust yourself. Carnelian also overcomes negative conditioning, enhances perception, and replaces anger and negativity with a love of life.
Carnelian Tumbled | Carnelian Crystal Pendant | Carnelian Bracelet |
Sunstone | Sunstone embodies and radiates solar energy, with its bright orange color, offering warmth, joy, and strength. An excellent mood-lifting stone, it alleviates fearfulness and encourages leadership and independence. The gold and orange shades of Sunstone identify with the Sacral Chakra, or Second Chakra, located below the naval and above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. It controls the flow of energy and is the center of gravity of the body.
Sunstone Tumbled | Sunstone Bracelet |
Clear Quartz | Light Embodied, Clear Quartz conducts and transmits energy, and stores information like a natural computer, making it an efficient receptor for programming. This versatile crystal can be used with all of the chakras. Assists in meditation, spiritual development, healing and purification of body, mind and spirit. Clarifies and amplifies physical and mental energies while harmonizing the individual with the energy of the universe. Magnifies ambient energies.
Clear Quartz Clusters | Clear Quartz Sage Bundle | Clear Quartz Crystal Hearts |
"What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action."
The intention of this ritual is to help you find clarity in your sense of purpose and alignment in this life. You may not have just one purpose, but many fruitful pathways that you walk. This ritual will help bring you courage, independence, and the motivation to take action towards your unique sense of purpose.
Create your sacred space: Find a space that feels cozy, safe, and sacred - be it in your home or somewhere in nature. Begin by lighting your candle to invoke Aries’ energy of courage, purpose, and determination. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself in this moment.
Set your intention: Close your eyes and focus on the intention for this ritual—finding clarity in your purpose. Silently ask yourself:
"What does purpose look like in my life?", "Where can I direct my energy most effectively?", "What is my hearts deepest desire?"
Journal your thoughts: Take the paper and pen, and begin writing whatever comes to mind regarding your purpose or direction in life. Don’t filter or judge your thoughts—allow them to flow freely.
Meditation with your crystal: Hold the crystal in your hand, close your eyes, and meditate for a few minutes. Visualize your mind clearing, like clouds parting to reveal a bright, focused path ahead. Feel the Aries energy empowering you to act decisively.
Action step: Once your meditation is complete, write down one concrete step you can take toward your purpose—no matter how small. Aries energy is all about bold action, so commit to this step with confidence.
Close the ritual: Thank the Aries Full Moon for its guidance. Blow out the candle and place your crystal somewhere you can see it as a reminder of your newfound clarity and purpose.
May this Aries Full Moon shine a light on your heartfelt courage to live the life you desire.