This Full Moon is drawing into manifestation a cycle that started with the Leo New Moon on the 19th of August…which was during the Lionsgate period. A time of big energy. This Full Moon is calling us into our self-expression and to step out into a new understanding of the self.
"Leo is the sign of the regal lion, full of courage, pride, and heart. The energy of Leo reminds us to accept and love ourselves at our deepest layers. It also reminds us to celebrate who we are and show the most authentic version of ourselves to the world. Leo asks us to create our life from our heart and share it with others--even when we feel vulnerable. Being ourselves takes courage and can be challenging. The lion teaches us that just when we feel too exposed, that’s the moment we are finally sharing our real Self.
The Leo Full Moon is a time to feel into who you really are and who you’ve always been. It’s a time to get to know yourself at your heart--the center of your being. It’s also a time to accept everything about yourself--even the parts you don’t like or wish you could change. The Leo Full Moon then takes you on a journey of releasing anything the blocks you from being your true Self, including any fear of rejection, need for approval, or desire for perfection. The Leo Full Moon is a time to know yourself, accept yourself, be yourself, and always love yourself...
You do not need to do anything, accomplish anything, or create anything to be loved. You deserve unconditional love for merely existing. Feel into this energy of love today. Write yourself a love letter and remind yourself of your inherent beauty and perfection. Align with Leo to know you are worthy of love, always, and allow this love to bring out your true essence.
As we learn to accept and love ourselves unconditionally, we break the ties of our Ego and step into our higher Self...Feel into this journey and know that as you begin to embrace your true essence, you will effortlessly attract the energies needed for your highest visions." ~@SpiritDaughter
"This Full Moon is quite difficult with a lot of fixed energy, but it also brings awareness of what we can change and improve in our lives:
Full Moons always accentuate some part of our lives that demands our attention and what we need to address. This is our opportunity to connect with the brightest future of our lives. During this Full Moon Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn in Aquarius will oppose Moon in Leo and make a fixed T-square with Uranus and Mars in Taurus.
Squares always bring tensions and a surplus of energy that needs to be directed productively. Otherwise, it can bring a lot of polarity, anger, and frustration. We may be faced with challenging situations where our integrity, our values, and sense of worth are questioned. We may feel like we are not good enough or that we need to seek approval from other people in order to justify our actions. Fixed signs don't like much change and are quite stubborn, so we can observe in us in others how our ego is raised.
But this is also an opportunity for us to slow down and reconnect with our hearts; to reconnect with our creativity and remember what is our true essence. That rivalry and anger we might experience don't bring any solutions. Compassion and warmhearted communication is what we need to tap in. Try to lean into the highest vibration of the Leo sign and be brave to break these limitations of low vibration that we often fall into.
It is time to liberate yourself from false assumptions and take charge of your life. Of your business. This is your opportunity to become a leader, Sun and Jupiter conjunction promises a new chance for growth and expansion. But we need to put the effort into it. We need to do things from our heart and let our light shine - no matter how others around us might feel about that." ~@AstroGlorious
Wolf Moon | Medieval Europeans and a number of the Northern and Eastern Native American tribes alike were inspired to call January's full moon the Wolf Moon. Pack of wolves, hungry in winter, bayed loudly near human settlements, forever linking their howls to the first month of the year. ~Michael Carabetta, Seasons of the Moon
Carnelian | A stone of vitality, motivation and stimulation. Promotes courage, positivity and creativity. Encourages passion, confidence and happiness. Instills trust, in yourself and in others. Activates personal power; strengthening, balancing and grounding. Helps in overcoming negative conditioning or abuse.
Garnet | Passion and loyalty, love and devotion. Re-energizes and revitalizes. Purifies and balances. Alleviates emotional disharmony. Increases survival instincts; activating courage, self-confidence and vitality. Also, great for creativity.
Tiger's Eye | Protection and stability. Lends energetic support and balance. Imparts confidence and joy. Imbues strength, courage, self-empowerment and a sense of purpose. Revitalizes creativity, and can increase luck and abundance.
"As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others."
The full moon is a time when our intentions bear fruit, and we see all around us the results of our actions, thoughts, wishes. This is also the time to observe and reflect on our present state of being, and sort through all the experiences and feelings that have arisen in the past lunation. Pulling oracle cards can be a helpful way to cut through overwhelm or distraction, and get to the heart of the matters at hand.
Shaheen Miro, creator of the Lunar Nomad Oracle Deck, gives a lovely explanation of how to use oracle cards for full moon reflections (see below). It is part of his book, Lunar Alchemy, which is full of rituals, exercises, and journaling prompts designed to inspire deep exploration, self-knowledge and lasting change by working with the phases of the moon. Magical and alchemical transformations arise from "a joyful relationship with your own divine power," when we are genuinely curious and open to discovery. On that note...
"Hold your oracle deck. Breathe into your body; find a sense of rhythm with each breath. Become calm, still, relaxed. Open yourself up to receive guidance and clarity. Feel yourself shifting into a receptive state.
Hold your oracle deck to your heart and say,
Hold your oracle deck to your forehead and say
Shuffle the cards to fill them with your energy. Ponder this past lunation. Whatever comes up in your head or heart is perfect. Let it flow through. When you're ready, choose a card for each question:
Record your answers to these questions in your journal."
Let the wisdom and clarity you gain guide you through to the next new moon.