Art Credit: Lori Menna, @cosmiccollage[/caption]
I invoke the spirit within me to assist my healing journey.
I am ready to detach from all remaining self-doubt.
I tend to healthy relationships beginning with the one with myself.
I cultivate the power in my core to illuminate my peaceful path ahead,co-creating with the light of the Full Moon.
"When Leo holds space for the Full Moon, its like a ray of light shining down on all that feels dark and heavy in our lives. Leo is a fire sign that reminds us to connect with all that lights us up. It reminds us to connect with our inner fire, with our inner Sun, and to remember that life is for experiencing rather than controlling.Leo is known to give strength, courage, and initiative. It encourages you to act on your emotional and passionate desires, especially regarding your intimate relationships and family. The fixed stars give the confidence to act boldly and take what you want but they also caution against acting too selfishly and ignoring the feelings of others. Finding the right balance between bravado and sensitivity is the key to having your desires fulfilled." (Tanaaz). "A full moon is always about coming into balance, finding ways to utilize the positive influences of the two opposing signs that are involved" (Pam Younghans). This full moon we are engaged with the creative duality of Leo, and its opposite sign, Aquarius..."Leo is a fire sign, heart-based, eager to connect and to be creatively involved in the Now. Aquarius is an air sign, mentally based, independent, and more detached or progressive, focused on the future. This Full Moon asks us to find our balance between these two polarities, to be both engaged and present (Leo), but also to maintain a certain amount of detachment, that enables us to move and make progress.The hard aspect to Vesta in earthy Taurus suggests thatwe'll need to set aside our need for immediate gratification, to realize that the transformation that is underway is very deep, and not completed overnight.
The trine between the Full Moon and Mars in Sagittarius indicates we have access to a new levels of courage and optimism, if we stay present in the moment. We can hold the Aquarian vision of a new, more enlightened future, as long as we realize that our power is in the Now." (PamYounghans)
Light your candles, gather your favorite crystals and get ready to open your heart to your highest vibrations.
Carnelian~ A stone of many purposes, this fiery red or orange stone increases courage, passion and vitality at all levels. It draws out inner reserves of leadership and confident communication, and lends courage to help overcome difficulties and defend a cause. It is also worn to support passionate love and the consummation of love, and for working with the Sacral Chakra, or Svadhisthana.
Garnet~ "A stone of commitment, Red Garnet represents love. It revitalises feelings and enhances sensuality, bringing warmth, devotion, understanding, trust, sincerity and honesty to a relationship. Red Garnet controls anger, especially toward the self." (Charms of Light)
Sunstone~ Work with Sunstone to dissipate fear, alleviate stress, and facilitate self-empowerment. This crystal allows the read self to shine through happily--encouraging independence and originality. Use it to increase self worth and confidence, optimism and enthusiasm.