Photo Credit: KrypticLoveShop via Instagram[/caption]
"Sitting in silence, invite the energies of beauty, harmony, and equilibrium into your body. In this way we can all walk the middle path. Seek balance within yourself and in all relationships."
~ Dana Gerhardt
This is the second and biggest full supermoon of 2020! Depending on who is deciding, we are enjoying a “season” of 3 full supermoons March 9, April 8, and May 7, 2020, and then have a “season” of 3 new moon supermoons on September 17, October 16, and November 15, 2020.A supermoon is a full moon or a new moon that nearly coincides with perigee—the closest that the Moon comes to the Earth in its elliptic orbit—resulting in a slightly larger-than-usual apparent size of the lunar disk as viewed from Earth. The technical name is a perigee syzygy (of the Earth–Moon–Sun system) or a full (or new) Moon around perigee. Cerena Childress
"Justice and fairness | Partnership | Love/self-care rituals | Balance & diplomacy | Healing
With the moon in Libra focus on relationships, and artistic pursuits. All of your partnership activities will be heightened during this Moon. For those who are not in partnerships, there may be heightened feelings of loneliness, but be aware of superficial bonding to ease the pain/ fear of loneliness. The moon being in Libra it is an excellent time to throw a *virtual* gathering with close friends. During this time, it's important to find balance. Enjoy a simple celebration with others, but also leave some time for healing work." @TheHoodWitch
Jade | This popular stone, which ranges in color from green to blue to white, to red, purple and a symbol of serenity and purity. Jade is a stone of tranquility, nurturing, protection, and good luck. It helps to soothe the mind, releasing negative thoughts, while stimulating ideas and bringing insight through dreams. Work with Jade to release feelings of irritability and invite a sense of harmony into your life.Red Aventurine | A crystal for choosing the highest path, and discerning which plans and ideas are best to follow. Red Aventurine helps mitigate the energy of Libra, which tends to spend a long time weighing alternatives and postpone commitments, even helpful ones...Red Aventurine sharpens our awareness of ourselves and our circumstances, lending the confidence to choose a path and follow it through.Black Tourmaline | Black tourmaline is a powerful protector, used to help deflect negative energy. Tourmaline also forms in many other colors ranging from brown, violet, green pink, or pink and green ("watermelon tourmaline"). This family of crystals aids in understanding other people, and re-balancing our proportions of self-confidence and fear to healthy levels.Essential oils: Rose, Geranium, Sandalwood, Jasmine,Neroli and Clary sage.
I release any attachments that are not in support of a balanced, peaceful and harmonious life.
I value and create balanced, healthy relationships in all areas of my life.
I shine a light on restoring harmony during these dynamic times.
I un-apologetically cultivate beauty and pleasure in all parts of my life
"I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force."
~ Alice Bailey