Full Moon 2°54’ Sagittarius | Thurs 5/23 at 6:52 a.m. PT

"Fiery Sagittarius is the sign of the Adventurer, the Explorer, the Philosopher, the Optimist."~Pam Younghans | Astrological information, crystals for the Full Moon in Sagittarius, and ritual inspiration from The Work of Byron Katie...

I expand my perspective and my capacity for understanding every day.
As I shift my focus to possibilities, new opportunities emerge.
I shift away from the commands of my ego and towards the guidance of my inner wisdom.
My body, my mind, and my life are like no one else's. I am free to stop comparing and start experiencing the beauty of the present moment, whenever I choose to do so.

Full Flower Moon 2°54’ Sagittarius | Thurs 5/23 at 6:52 a.m. PT

"Sagittarius is the eternal student of the zodiac, forever wandering the globe in search of new knowledge and perspectives. This energy compels us to be curious and leave our comfort zones. It encourages us to open our minds to new perspectives and experiences. It also asks us to take the road less traveled. The energy of Sagittarius is not concerned with the familiar. It craves newness from every angle. Boredom is the death of Sagittarius. Routines and predictability have no place in this energy. Sagittarius wants us to feel confused. It asks us to throw everything we know up in the air and allow the pieces to land where they may. It’s only by shuffling life into disarray that we can connect the dots in new ways, finding connections we may have missed if we had kept everything neat and tidy.

Sagittarius also represents hope. It compels us to take leaps of faith, trusting that the best will unfold. This energy helps us focus on the good and, in that attention, cultivate more positive vibrations throughout life. This energy dares us to take a chance, even if we don’t know the outcome. Sagittarius teaches us that we can always find the higher meaning in any situation, even those that don’t go according to plan. We never need to fear what may happen because we can always find the silver lining if we try hard enough. We do not need to take the familiar road out of fear of the unknown. Sagittarius wants us to walk into unfamiliar territory with the inner confidence that the best-case scenario will occur, even if we have to find it."

~Spirit Daughter

"The symbol for Sagittarius is the archer; a centaur that is half man, half horse, bow in hand with a quivering arrow ready to take flight. Sagittarius is a frisky energy, most times chomping at the bit, a race horse that must race. The arrow signifies that this movement is straightforward, but Sagittarius is a mutable sign; it prefers moving in multiple directions. It doesn’t need to follow the laws of the clock, the calendar or the church bells. This sign teaches us to value multiple ways of knowing and looking at whatever is in front of us through multiple lenses. This sign teaches us to seek only the truth."

~Chani Nicholas, author of You Were Born for This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance

"Fiery Sagittarius is the sign of the Adventurer, the Explorer, the Philosopher, the Optimist. The sign of The Archer encourages us to step out of our comfort zone, to be more understanding and tolerant of differences, to take action based on wisdom and intuition, and to search for life's deeper meanings, rather than being content with "just the facts."

~Pam Younghans

5/23: Saga Dawa Duchen--Tibetan Buddhist festival celebrating the birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana of Buddha Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 BCE)

5/27: Birthday of Rachel Carson (1907), biologist who began the environmental movement.

6/1: Mindfulness Day--Zen Buddhist day for mindfully seeing the interdependence of all things at all times.

~Excerpted fromTHE MYSTIC'S WHEEL OF THE YEAR 2024 A Multifaith Calendar Reflecting Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality
© 2023 Marija Miovski www.WheeloftheYear.com

“In nature nothing exists alone.”  
~Rachel Carson

Crystals for the Full Moon in Sagittarius

“Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed.”
~Paulo Coelho, The Devil and Miss Prym

The strength of Sagittarius the archer is in the focused strength of purpose, clarity of the arrow's path that allows us to break barriers and explore, adventure, expand, and learn.

When we are overextended or lose focus, that strength is reduced. Here are three crystals to help with finding purpose, maintaining focus, and seeking truth beyond the easy answers:

Fluorite | For cutting through the swirl of distracting demands, and finding clarity and focus in your thoughts. When you feel overwhelmed, bring Fluorite into your life to help with stress, decision-making, and balance. Helps build and rebuild positive structures in your life. Fluorite towers | Fluorite bracelets | Fluorite crystal

Apatite | This deep blue crystal connects us to the deep waters within, tempering Sagittarius' fiery "charge ahead" tendencies. Promotes an open and uncluttered feeling, inside and outside the self. Enhances subtleties of communication, aiding in the search for truth, and when you seek to find solutions to perplexing problems or patterns. Apatite bracelets

Lapis Lazuli | A stone of Truth, Lapis encourages self-awareness and the expression of emotions and feelings. Bring logic and intention to your actions with increased objectivity, clarity and creativity. This deep blue crystal inspires a deep sensation of peace and harmony, while facilitating revelations and new perspectives on the self and your experiences. Lapis crystals | Lapis bracelets | Lapis earrings

Raise your vibrations and power your rituals with sacred stones from around the world.
Bring the earth’s beauty and energetic strength into your practice with an inspired collection of crystals and gemstones.

“Normally, we do not so much look at things as overlook them.”
~Alan Wilson Watts

“Do stuff. Be clenched, curious. Not waiting for inspiration's shove or society's kiss on your forehead. Pay attention. It's all about paying attention. attention is vitality. It connects you with others. It makes you eager. Stay eager.”
~Susan Sontag

Doing The Work & Asking the Four Important Questions

"Painful emotions are the temple bells that wake you up to tell you "It's time to do The Work."
~Byron Katie

The Full Moon in Sagittarius has us questioning, questing, seeking an expanded deeper awareness of ourselves and our situations. Having set out on a path on the new moon, and followed it through to this point, we seek illumination--to have obstacles clearly outlined and defined, so that we can proceed in just the right way.

We seek guidance, looking around, and hopefully at some point looking IN, with techniques like this one outlined below, that can help clarify the inner knowing and draw out answers that are personal, resonant, and transformative.

What is "The Work?"

In 2003, Byron Katie first introduced the world to The Work with the publication of Loving What Is. Nearly twenty years later, Loving What Is continues to inspire people all over the world to do The Work; to listen to the answers they find inside themselves; and to open their minds to profound, spacious, and life-transforming insights. The Work is simply four questions that, when applied to a specific problem, enable you to see what is troubling you in an entirely different light.

As we do The Work of Byron Katie, not only do we remain alert to our stressful thoughts—the ones that cause all the anger, sadness, and frustration in our world—but we question them, and through that questioning the thoughts lose their power over us. Great spiritual texts describe the what—what it means to be free. The Work is the how. It shows you exactly how to identify and question any thought that would keep you from that freedom.

What are the steps?

Notice | To begin, relax and be still. Travel in your mind to a specific situation where you were angry, hurt, sad, or disappointed with someone. Witness the situation. Be there now. Notice, name, and feel the emotion you were experiencing at the time. Find the reason you were upset.

Write | Staying anchored in the situation, at a specific moment in time, write down your responses to the questions on the Worksheet, using short, simple sentences. Write without censoring yourself. Allow yourself to be as judgmental, childish, and petty as you were in that moment. This is an opportunity to discover the cause of your stress and emotions in that moment.

Question | To begin, isolate a statement for inquiry. Now apply the four questions. Begin by repeating the original statement, then ask yourself each question. This Work is a meditation practice. It’s like diving into yourself. Contemplate the questions, one at a time. Drop into the depths of yourself, listen, and wait. The answer will meet your question.

  1. Is it true?
  2. Can you absolutely know that it’s true?
  3. How do you react when you believe that thought?
  4. Who would you be without the thought?

Turn it around | Turn the thought around. A “turnaround" is a sentence expressing the opposite of what one believes. So, for instance, “He doesn’t understand me,” could become, “I don’t understand him,” or, “I don’t understand myself.” Let yourself ask, is the opposite as true as or truer than the original thought? Some turnarounds may not make any sense to you. Don’t force these.

~from Byron Katie's website, TheWork.com

Meet the Author

Byron Katie experienced what she calls "waking up to reality" in 1986, and since then she has introduced The Work to hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world. In addition to her public events, she has introduced The Work into business settings, universities, schools, churches, prisons, and hospitals. Her books include:

Loving What Is, Revised Edition: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life; The Revolutionary Process Called the Work

A Thousand Names for Joy: Living in Harmony with the Way Things Are

Who Would You Be Without Your Story?

I Need Your Love - Is That True?: How to Stop Seeking Love, Approval, and Appreciation and Start Finding Them Instead

“Our parents, our children, our spouses, and our friends will continue to press every button we have, until we realize what it is that we don't want to know about ourselves, yet. They will point us to our freedom every time.”
~Byron Katie, Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life

“When we stop opposing reality, action becomes simple, fluid, kind, and fearless.”
~Byron Katie
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