Full Moon in Taurus | 11/15/24 at 1:28 pm PT

"When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid." ~Audre Lorde

I am deeply rooted in the abundance of the Earth.
I trust in my own worth and my ability to create stability and beauty in my life.
I am open to receiving all that the Universe has to offer, and I honor my body as a vessel of strength, grace, and pleasure.

Full Moon in Taurus | November 15th, 2024, at 1:28 pm PT

"To be conscious is to be willing to run with these wild wolves. To eat with them. To drink with them. To howl their howls and roam their untamed terrain."

~Chani Nicholas

"As you work with the energy of this Full Moon, feel the stability within and around you. Remind yourself that you can always rely on yourself. You can face any storm and find the center. Furthermore, you can use the storm to evolve and find the next version of yourself. You have inner resources that can be called upon anytime you need them. You have yourself. Feel the container this Full Moon provides. It's like a warm hug that lets you know everything is going to be alright. If available, find some time to stand under the light of the Moon this day and feel the stillness available to you. When the Taurus Full Moon is high in the sky, everything else becomes quiet. It feels like Earth itself takes a pause, and after that pause, there is a wave of relief. Lean into this feeling today and let it return you home. Then feel how this home was with you all along. Even when the world throws you about and you feel like you're falling through the sky, you always have a foundation to land upon within yourself. You are your own rock, and you have everything you need to manifest your greatest potential. You are your own foundation. Feel this strength within you this Moon and release anything that makes you doubt it."

~Spirit Daughter 

"The full Moon in Taurus is a time to feel your attachments to your comfort zones. These are the places which initially feel like they nurture you, but in fact actually prevent your growth. Comfort zones can be people, places, or things. They show up in the form of jobs, romantic relationships, even cities. They block you from manifesting your potential and hold you back simply because they are familiar. The familiar is comfortable, and growth generally is not.

In order to leave your comfort zones to create, or take leaps of faith, you need inner reliance. You need to trust that you can always rely on yourself no matter which way the road turns. You must understand that you can always bring yourself back home and that you possess all the tools you’ll ever need to build the life you desire. This enables you to venture into the unknown."

~Yoga Journal

"This full Moon invites us to descend within and occupy more of this physical body that is our loving home for this lifetime. To bring a deeper sense of safety, rootedness, presence, love, and trust within its walls. To feel the Earth beneath our feet and remember that we are here to live just as fully, colourfully, and boldly as her. On the same day, Saturn finishes its retrograde in Pisces and begins moving once again. Another cosmic invitation to plant ourselves in the tangible, so that we may build our dreams, so that we may live our visions.

We are being invited to find Taurean security, safety, trust and stability within ourselves first – so that we may then take the leaps, follow our joys, and listen to the restless call of Uranus – this planet that is simply, yet powerfully, representing a readiness for change from within ourselves, and then translate this impulse into long-term tangible action, as Saturn so desires for us.

Can we feel safe and free? Secure and liberated? Stable and open to change? There are realities where these seemingly opposingly ways of being co-exist, create together, and support each other."

~Girl and Her Moon

"URANIAN FULL MOON: The Full Moon that occurs on Friday, November 15, is spectacular for several reasons. Most noticeably, it is a Supermoon, occurring when the Moon is at the point in its orbit when it is closest to Earth; this means that the Moon will visually appear much larger than normal and also that it has a stronger emotional impact.

Even more significantly, the lunation is in close proximity to the planet Uranus, highlighting the destabilizing energies of the sideways-spinning planet. The energy is highly electric and changeable, stimulating the nervous system and affecting the mental state. The involvement of Uranus increases the likelihood that we will experience surprising, sudden, life-changing events around the time of the Full Moon; symbolic (and sometimes literal) lightning strikes and earthquakes can occur.

Uranus is also associated with the need to assert one's freedom and to be true to one's self. People may act impulsively and independently, inspired by a need to rebel against restrictions or limitations.

Easing some of the intensity of the lunation, the Moon is in harmonious aspect to both Neptune (sextile) and Pluto (trine). With assist from mystical Neptune, we are supported in being more compassionate, understanding, imaginative, and spiritually focused. With passionate Pluto on board, a strong determination, a sense of urgency, and a commitment to a higher purpose invite some to take action. As god of the Underworld, Pluto can also help us release the past and embrace the evolutionary process of death and rebirth."

~Pam Younghans

Grounding Presence | Crystals for the Full Moon in Taurus

“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Aventurine Bracelet Small

Aventurine | This Green stone is known as a stone for prosperity, and comfort of the heart. It reinforces leadership and decisiveness, while supporting perseverance. Aventurine can aid you in seeing new possibilities and alternatives. This stone is also believed to dissipate electromagnetic pollution.

Aventurine BraceletAventurine Tumbled

African Jade Bracelet | Positive Attitude

African Jade | African Jade strengthens one's thought process and assists in clear reasoning. This stone aids in using money creatively and productively.

African Jade BraceletJoy and Abundance Candle with Jade and Carnelian |

Moss Agate Tumbled 1"

Moss Agate | Moss Agate actually belongs to the oxide and quartz group; it is not a true agate. It has a light blue or moss green color. Moss Agate is a "growth crystal,” a powerful conduit of the earth's life force of birth, development, and creation, and reflects nature’s power of constant renewal. Opens lines of communication with the nature spirits. Moss Agate is a great crystal to assist you in your meditations. It helps calm down the monkey mind and reach a state of balance and centeredness, gently balancing emotions and allowing high-vibration love energy to flow freely.

Moss Agate Tumbled | Sacred Sanctuary Spray with Frankincense, Fir, & Moss Agate |

Raise your vibrations and power your rituals with sacred stones from around the world.
Bring the earth’s beauty and energetic strength into your practice with an inspired collection of crystals and gemstones.

Taurus Full Moon Somatic Grounding Ritual

"The human body is not an instrument to be used, but a realm of one's being to be experienced, explored, enriched and, thereby, educated"
~Thomas Hanna, explaining Somatics

This ritual is a somatic Earth-based grounding ritual. Somatic, meaning it engages the psyche and the body as a pathway to connect more deeply with the present moment and the natural world around you. Through movement, breath, and physical sensation, we tap into the wisdom of the body to ground ourselves in the rhythms of the Earth, aligning with the stable, nurturing energy of the Taurus Full Moon. As we move and breathe, we release tension, cultivate presence, and invite the abundant energy of the Earth to flow through us, supporting us in our journey of growth, self-worth, and embodiment.

Gather your grounding objects, like a stone, crystal, or plant, and find a space that feels safe and comfortable. If you can, find a space outside in nature where you can comfortably engage in this ritual. If indoors, make the space comfortable with candles, Earth elements, crystals, and perhaps near a window where you can see the full moon's glow.

1. Centering & Breathwork

  • Start by sitting comfortably, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Allow your body to settle, letting thoughts pass without judgment or clinging.
  • Begin to connect to the Earth beneath you (whether through imagination if you are inside, or with your felt sense if you are in nature): imagine roots growing from your body, anchoring you into the soil, connecting with the solid ground below. Feel the stability and support of the Earth as you breathe.

2. Grounding Deeper with the Earth Element

  • Hold your grounding object (stone, crystal, or plant) in your hands.Tune into the physical sensations of the object—its temperature, roughness, smoothness, weight and texture.
  • Hold it to your heart or place it on the Earth if you’re outside. As you hold the object, say a mantra or affirmation that connects you with Taurus energy, such as: “I am grounded in the Earth’s stability.” “I trust in my body and the abundance around me.” “I receive the support of the Earth with gratitude.”

3. Somatic Embodiment

  • Taurus is ruled by Venus, and the energy here is sensual and embodied. Take a few moments to gently move your body followed by intuition—stretch, sway, roll on the ground, shake, jump... whatever you feel called to do with the support of the earth.
  • Focus on how your body feels. Perhaps you want to kneel, lay down, or stand with your feet firmly planted on the Earth. Feel the connection between your body and the Earth's energy.
  • As you move, visualize energy flowing through your body, from your feet to the top of your head, and then flowing back down to the Earth. Allow any tension to dissolve as you connect deeply with your senses.
  • Continue moving for as long as you'd like, continuing to move as you'd like as inspired by your connection to the earth.

4. Closing

  • Take a moment to sit in silence and reflect on what Taurus represents for you: stability, sensuality, beauty, and abundance. If you have time, journal what you are noticing, any insightful takeaways, or perhaps even engaging in art to document your experience.
  • If you’re ready, close the ritual with a final grounding breath, gently saying: “I am rooted in the Earth. I am supported by the Moon’s light. I am at peace.”

Happy Taurus Full Moon! May this time anchor you in deep stability and action towards what is most compassionate.
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