"I invoke the spirit within me to illuminate my strengths.I am harvesting the fruits of my labor, that I've so diligently nurtured.I know what to take with me, and what to leave behind,so that I may move forward lighter,and freer than ever before.My heart is open to change,and I am open to love."
"I invoke the spirit within me to illuminate my strengths.I am harvesting the fruits of my labor, that I've so diligently nurtured.I know what to take with me, and what to leave behind,so that I may move forward lighter,and freer than ever before.My heart is open to change,and I am open to love."
Art credit: @Tedslittledream[/caption]
Get Ready for our second Full Moon of October- a Blue Moon on Halloween! This Magical Moon heightens our communication and our intuition making it the perfect time to talk to your soul. The energy of Taurus adds to this Blue Moon, giving us some stillness as we let go of anything that disturbs our peace.
The Full Moon in Taurus occurs on October 31st at 7:49am PT. Sitting next to Uranus, this Samhain moon has ghost stories galore. One of the loudest Full Moons of the year, it brings with it unexpected events, disruptions, and distracting surprises.Happening on a day that, to many, is a portal to the other side, to our ancestors, and to the spirit world in general, the connections that come during the Full Moon, and in the days that surround it, will be clamorous, to say the least. What goes bump in the night also bangs.Mercury stations direct on November 3rd, while in a square to Saturn. Information, data, and results will be slow to reveal themselves. This is no time to make an announcement in a rush as there is probably much more the the story than we know.Mercury will remain in this gridlock with Saturn after it stations direct for the better part of a week, making the last days of October and the first days of November full of sticking points.
Black Obsidian | A great stone for absorbing negative energy, Obsidian is highly protective; forming a 'shield' which can block psychic attack, as well as general negativity from the surrounding environment. It can help to heal emotional blockages and past traumas. It can also be used to bring clarity to confusing situations and aid in the exploration of the unknown.
Smoky Quartz | An excellent stone for grounding, Smoky Quartz is also excellent at neutralizing negative vibrations. It is a terrific stone for dispersing fear and combating depression, focusing instead on calming emotions and promoting positive thoughts.
Bloodstone | Another stone great for both grounding and protecting against negative energy. Bloodstone heightens intuition and stimulates dreams and creativity. Calming and revitalizing for the mind, as well as reducing irritability, aggressiveness and impatience.
"This is a very important practice.Live your daily life in a way that you never lose yourself.When you are carried away with your worries, fears, cravings, anger, and desire,you run away from yourself and you lose yourself.The practice is always to go back to oneself."
~Thich Nhat Hanh
Taurus is an Earth sign ruled by the planet Venus. It is a grounding energy, reminding us that stillness is always possible. The Taurus Blue Moon provides a rock for us to rest upon during the transformational waters of Scorpio Season. It is a time to find peace within ourselves when we can connect to the simple pleasures of life. Taurus reminds us that sometimes all it takes is a glance at the Moon or a moment with the Sunset to nourish our soul. This Full Moon is a time to return to our center and feel a gentle pause in the ever-moving Universe. It’s a time to feel our breath, our feet on the ground, and the stability of energy.
In times of transition it is common to feel "wobbly" feelings, to be flooded with powerful emotions, and to generally experience more self-doubt. These are valid indicators of our reality and our circumstances, and can be important tools for growth.However, in order to get to a place where we can use these tools, and benefit from them, we have some work to do to center and ground ourselves, to get out of the "overwhelmed" headspace and into a frame of mind that will allow us to meet these challenges with all the grace and power we can derive from our sense of inner peace and connection to Source.A helpful article by Diana Raab, author of Writing for Bliss, explains the vital practices of Centering and Grounding:"Sometimes the words centering and grounding are used interchangeably. Centering usually refers to our mental and physical state of mind. It’s the place we know we have to get back to when we’re not feeling like ourselves. When we’re not centered, we might feel lost or out of touch with ourselves.When we center ourselves, we bring calm to our emotions. We do so by slowing down our breathing so that we “feel” more of what’s going on around us. Becoming centered is a way to find peace within the chaos that might be surrounding us. It’s about being “in check” with what’s going on. Individuals who are centered are typically calm and peaceful.Grounding is a term used in conjunction with the energy fields around us. Being grounded means that we’re content with who we are. We’re sure of ourselves and have confidence in the decisions we make. Becoming grounded is about getting rid of excessive energy in the body, allowing clean energy to come through.When we ground ourselves, we’re calming or slowing down our emotions and getting more in touch with our internal and external worlds. Grounding our energy can be helpful when we feel either unbalanced or nervous. Being grounded also means that we’re more mindful with respect to our environment.A few weeks ago, the headline for my own personal horoscope said, “Grounding Before Giving,” which was so apt for a week when I was forced to show up for my family in ways that I never had been before. It was a very timely message. The idea is that if we’re not grounded, it’s more difficult to be of service to others. This is a very important concept for psychologists and caregivers to be mindful of or anyone else in the helping professions.If becoming centered and grounded sounds appealing to you, first center yourself, and then ground yourself.
"According to the Buddha’s teachings, the most basic condition for happiness is freedom.Here we do not mean political freedom, but freedom from the mental formations of anger, despair, jealousy, and delusion.These mental formations are described by the Buddha as poisons.As long as these poisons are still in our heart, happiness cannot be possible."
~Thich Nhat Hanh