"The time came when the risk it took to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." ~Anais nin
"Let your work heal you. Ground you. Get you together.
Let your work form you. Inform you. Fill up your empty.
Let your work find you. Guide you. Give you what has been missing."
"This Virgo Full Moon helps us understand the hidden alchemical knowledge of spinning thread into gold and manifesting spirit into form. As an earth sign, Virgo reveals to us that bonds of kinship are forged through shared struggle and life making. It asks: What do we NEED to make life WORTH living? What are the things that will make us want to wake up every morning? What will make us want to be alive instead of just get by each day? How can we create these conditions together? Virgo helps us understand (through embodiment) that relationship building IS the work of liberation; that being with each other, helping each other survive on a day-to-day basis, engaging in our cultural rituals in community, and building/ deepening/ sustaining reciprocal relationships is the HEART of resistance + worldmaking. It’s what allows you to do the work with integrity, accountability and sustainability. We invoke the magic of the Virgo maiden who brings fresh energy into stagnant routines and helps us to courageously step into new forms."
"At this Virgo Full Moon, pledge yourself to a renewed spirit of practical magic – of reorganizing your daily routine so that it is supports your spiritual objectives, and resetting your mental routine so that it instinctively seeks spiritual opportunity in chores and details. Clean out your drawers, your filing cabinet, your heart; sew buttons, darn socks, mend relationships; donate, volunteer, and pledge yourself to causes that are important to you. Candles, herbs, incense, and gemstones are fine tools for accessing our higher selves, but so are brooms, mops, and dustpans."
"Virgo is blessed with the ability to serve. The ability to work. The ability to make a masterpiece out of a mess. Virgo is blessed with a relentless drive to get it right. To get it working. To get it to those who need it. Virgo is blessed with the ability to see what doesn’t fit. What doesn’t add to the situation. What doesn’t lift up the meaning of what it is making. Virgo is blessed with the natural ability to understand the systems of the body. To trust nature. To tune into the rhythms of life. Virgo is blessed with the desire to heal. To eliminate what is toxic. To digest and integrate what will restore it to health. Blessed with the knowledge that sincere efforts help to assuage our anxieties, Virgo knows that using its abilities is imperative to experiencing any kind of calm."
"This is a good time for simply getting things done, and particularly for tying up loose ends which really should have been completed some time ago. We’ve all got plenty of those lying around, but this Full Moon means there’s no excuse for leaving anything undone.
Virgo as a zodiac sign is highly analytical, so one danger with this Full Moon is that many of us will spend too long thinking and not enough time actually doing. Resist the urge to procrastinate – make a decision and get on with it.
Another key Virgo trait is criticism, whether aimed at the self or at others. This means that a Virgo Full Moon can see many of us coming across as rather mean, if we don’t know how to phrase criticism constructively, or when to keep our mouths tactfully shut. We may also be very hard on ourselves, particularly by over-analyzing past failures or mistakes."
"With the Blood Moon in Virgo, we are invited to step into some of this Virgo consciousness and to remember that within us too, flows a river of wisdom, strength, and wholeness. We are invited to connect with our inner being and to recognize that we have the power within to navigate whatever situation we may find ourselves in.
Returning to our own inner strength and intuition is going to be a powerful way to navigate this Eclipse energy. Remember that we too, are an extension of God and connected to all of the Universe. We are far more powerful than we have ever been led to believe."
"This March brings us the power of a Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, marking a profound moment in your spiritual journey. This super-charged Full Moon occurs as we enter a new cycle of eclipses on the Virgo-Pisces axis that will take us through the next eighteen months.
When we work with eclipse energy, the change unfolds with Universal timing. The shifts sparked during this time may begin around the eclipse, but their magic continues to work through us while eclipses occur in these signs. What surfaces now might connect back to seeds planted during the Pisces Lunar Eclipse on September 17th, 2024, and will continue evolving until the Pisces Lunar Eclipse on September 7th, 2025 or the Virgo Solar Eclipse on September 21st, 2025.
Lunar Eclipses reveal what's ready to be healed and released, especially with this one amplified by the South Node in Virgo. This placement asks you to let go of perfectionism, overthinking, and the need to control outcomes. Your emotional wisdom speaks loudly now - trust the messages of your soul, even if your logical mind wants to resist them.
This eclipse brings profound opportunities for change, often arriving in unexpected ways. You might discover truths about yourself or others that shift your perspective completely. Remember - every revelation, even those that initially feel challenging carries a gift of alignment with your highest path."
"The Virgo Blood Moon Eclipse arrives on March 14, 2025, bringing waves of transformative energy our way. Blood Moons are connected with the feminine and the cycle of death and rebirth. We may find something falls away or that we have reached a significant culmination point.
Blood Moon Eclipses are the most potent kind we can experience, and are a good opportunity to practice the art of surrender. This is not a time to control, but rather to let go and allow the Universe to guide us."
“Once you realize this floating life is the perfect mirage of change, it’s breathtaking – this wild joy at wandering boundless and free."
Smoky Quartz | Smoky quartz is a grey, translucent variety of quartz that ranges in clarity from almost complete transparency to an almost-opaque brownish-gray or black crystal. This stone is known to filter and cleanse energies from its immediate environment.
An extraordinary amulet of protection, Smoky Quartz helps guard the home, vehicles and possessions against theft, damage and accidents caused by human error. Use its protective energies to block geopathic stress and absorb electromagnetic smog given off by power lines and electronics. Place Smoky Quartz in the home or work space to dissolve bad moods, and unspoken resentment.
Smoky Quartz Tumbled | Smoky Quartz Bracelet |
Pink Calcite | Pink Calcite, or Mangano Calcite, is a powerful crystal for cleansing and amplifying energy. It is also known as a stone of forgiveness and unconditional love. It releases fear and trauma from the past, builds self-acceptance and self-worth. Relieving anxiety and tension, working with Mangano Calcite may prevent nightmares and dissolves resistance to change. Works best when placed on the heart chakra.
Bloodstone | Bloodstone boosts energy and increases endurance for physical activity. This crystal can stimulate the body's natural healing system, helps raise one's self-esteem and build courage. Bloodstone (Heliotrope) may be classified as a Jasper or Chalcedony variety of Quartz, and is usually a combination of the two. It is typically defined as a dark green Chalcedony with blood-like spots of Red Jasper or iron oxide inclusions. Bloodstone assists in enhancing the functions of the mind, bringing clarity and understanding to things previously unfamiliar.
Bloodstone Tumbled | Bloodstone Bracelet |
"Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting, it just means we stop carrying the energy of the past into the present."
Virgo loves lists. During an eclipse, let us channel that energy into letting go of what no longer serves.
✦ Sit with your journal or a piece of paper, and take a few deep breaths to ground yourself. Reflect on what no longer serves you—habits, thought patterns, fears, self-criticisms, or limiting beliefs that you are ready to release.
Write them down in list form. Be honest with yourself. The act of putting these thoughts onto paper brings them into the physical realm, making it easier to recognize and let them go.
✦ Once your list is complete, hold the paper to your heart and close your eyes. Visualize the energy of each burden dissolving, melting away like ice on a lake in the spring sun. Feel yourself becoming lighter, clearer, freer. You might even whisper an affirmation, such as:
✦ Release:
Safely burn the paper in a fireproof bowl or cauldron. As you bunch, watching the flames alchemize paper into smoke and ash, as what you've written alchemizes burdens into freedom. Imagine these energies being transmuted into wisdom and strength.
If fire isn’t an option, bury the paper in the earth—symbolizing your willingness to return these energies to nature for transformation, composting what you no longer need into fertile soil. You might sprinkle a little salt over the burial site for added cleansing.
✦ After the release, take a moment to breathe deeply and feel the space you’ve created within yourself. Virgo’s energy encourages practical steps forward, so ask yourself: What new habits or mindsets will I cultivate in place of what I have let go?
To seal the ritual, place your hands over your heart and whisper a final blessing:
"I am free. I am open. I trust in my path."
May this full moon and lunar eclipse bring you closer to your lighter, clearer, and fully aligned highest self!