Full Moon January 04, 2015 @ 14 deg. 31 min. Cancer 11:53 p.m. EST 08:53 p.m. PST by Ana Chapman

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Full Moon January 04, 2015 @ 14 deg. 31 min. Cancer 11:53 p.m. EST 08:53 p.m. PSTThere is nothing you can see that is not a flower; there is nothing you can think that is not the moon.

~Matsuo Basho, 17th century poet

Last year began with a New Moon in Capricorn literally the opposite to how this year begins with a Full Moon in Cancer. 2014 began with the energy and influence of Saturn immersed in Scorpio leading a chart intent upon peeling away and finding the essential ‘structure’ beneath. With Saturn in trine aspect to Black Moon Lilith conjunct Jupiter we could not help but examine the hand that rocks the cradle, questioning the role of the hand; aware of its function and therefore free of its influence.The new cycle includes liberation from dependency. And now we approach 2015 from an emotionally more mature place with greater awareness of our motivations. In the dawning of a new year we are treated to a realization via the moon in its own sign of Cancer as it opposes the sun and squares the north and south node; that the ‘path’ to unity (north node in Libra), and beyond suffering is through recognition of the completeness of the individual self (south node in Aries) and in need of nothing external to Self as Self is everything.The deep feeling nature of Cancer as it ‘sees’ via the inherent confident knowing of Capricorn provides a glimpse of Reality that offers ultimate security as there is nothing missing and there is nothing to do that will alter this Reality. Meanwhile it is observed that everything else changes and is temporary.The potential is for becoming flexible and flowing with the innate rhythm that permeates all things. Gratitude for being here to witness and experience everything that occurs and for the awareness that arises as a result of surrender. Surrender that is a result of no longer being convinced that I am right. (based on the 5th harmonic of this Full Moon chart that has 6 planets in mutable signs including the sun/moon). The potential is going with the flow.The test is taking the initiative to step forward in this authenticity and to shrug off the tendency for repetitive expression based on the past. In this moment there is only this reality. In this moment everything exists simultaneously as an expression of the Absolute: def.= free of external references or relationships, not limited in any way. The test is in letting go.The service is through persistence, maintenance, single minded focus and determination to uphold that which has been gained. To deepen the roots of knowing and share the wisdom that resides in abundance in the heart of our being. (based on the 9th harmonic chart where the sun/moon are in fixed signs). The service is in Being.The harmonic charts are a slice of the natal chart that are arrived at by division of[caption id="attachment_9667" align="alignright" width="150"]

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Click to enlarge[/caption]360 degrees by 5=72 deg. The septile aspect, 7=51.4---deg. The quintile aspect, 9=40 deg. The novile aspect.At 14 degrees Cancer this Full Moon is influenced by the star Sirius at the same location, the brightest star in the heavens. Sirius has a long history as a navigational point and by its rising just before the sun, a precursor of the flooding of the Nile. What is it we are being guided toward and what abundance will be the result of this journey? To answer this question consider the role of the outer planets in this chart. At 12 or 13 degrees they promote freedom, independence and awakening (Uranus 12 deg. Aries), elimination and transformation (Pluto 13 deg. Capricorn conjunct the sun) and healing (Chiron 13 deg. Pisces) as they aspect directly the Sun/Moon axis.This is not new of course, the square for example between Uranus and Pluto has just occurred for the 6th time. The 7th and last aspect is in March of this year. These planets have an ongoing relationship of evolving consciousness the results of which are evident in Truth arising.Neptune, the planet that urges one to go deeper and creates apparent confusion in relation to ordinary reality is at 5 degrees Pisces and in this Full Moon chart opposes Black Moon Lilith and conjuncts the point of fortune.What this means is discovering the Truth that lies beneath the fear (Black Moon Lilith) of our own nature; in some way confronting the fear of annihilation. This is our greatest desire and where we will find greatest fulfillment (point of fortune). With the BML in Virgo, the objective is to realize one self as perfect or absolute, not in need of anything; that is a dualistic objective, attaining what we think we lack. Neptune stands as the mirror in this opposition, ‘you are not what you appear to be’. In other words you are not your mind/body but that which is when all else has been defined. The nebulous quality of Neptune results from the minds inability to comprehend its meaning which lies beyond relative experience.The opposition of Neptune and BML is squared by Saturn at 1 degree Sagittarius so that focus and determination are added to a desire to know Self. There is no fear or hesitancy with Saturn in Sagittarius but rather a persistent calling to show up in authenticity. Old patterns of authoritarianism are replaced with a longing to disseminate Truth and share the light. The arrow that Sagittarius directs upward has the potential to illuminate as it crosses the skies and expands our vision. This supported by Mercury, Venus and Mars in Aquarius the sign of freedom and enlightenment. How we think and communicate, what we want and how we act become communal or collectively centered. Personal acquisition makes little sense. We open up even more to this experience as one with everything and in the big picture find peace in knowing it is all Love. Deep abidance in the heart confirms this.During these several days before and after this Full Moon in Cancer express gratitude for the guidance you receive, the abundance that is everywhere in your life and the gift of being here with open eyes!Thank you and blessings for this amazing life.

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