Full Moon July 12th, 2014 @ 20 degrees Capricorn 03 minutes 07:25 EDT04:25 PDTWhen we look up at the Full Moon this month we see an image upon which we have gazed so many times before with various emotions and thoughts perhaps influenced by the sign that is occupied by our luminous friend. Perhaps by what we feel reflected to us through the light that is our nature—all else will fall away. The structures that we have built for safety and security fall away and the desire for freedom and the subsequent realization of our lack of freedom are plainly evident. The Heart opens and the need for structure is no longer defined.This all a tremendous experience in Capricorn as the sea-goat has made its way to the mountain top and with lofty view realizes that the structure is like a ladder but as I never needed to climb anywhere, the ladder serves no purpose and what has been learned is now applied to serve the structure that is humanity. I discover my humanity deep within the truth of Be-ing.No need to whine, worry or wonder you that stand between your suffering and surrender. You cannot resist and live to tell the story! We’re all going down—but to rise into the light of liberty and joyous community, the structure that exists for eternity. When all else fails, Love prevails.While we are at it here, might as well feel deeply all that is taking place—the sadness, grief, anger—anger moves us—anger is the energy that takes us from A to B. In sadness we sit. We should deny none of it. All of it is the One.Capricorn is an earth sign, an opportunity to ground into physicality with the benefit of our vision to Be “that” or Love here—deep, intimate oneness in this body, here, now.There are several planets shifting signs or direction in the two weeks between this Full Moon and the next New Moon (July 26th). Not a common occurrence. This represents a time of change that allows for deeper feeling. Mercury moves into Cancer on the 12th/13th depending on which coast you live on. Thought and communication originate from a deep place of feeling; less verbal expression. Venus follows into Cancer on the 18th. It is about what we desire that lifts us out of old patterns of want.On July 16th Jupiter moves into Leo. All of our grand gestures and wisdom are devoted to what feels good. It is not about short term gain or what strokes the ‘ego’ necessarily but what supports our long term well-being. Leo rules the heart. What a heart expansion we are experiencing!Saturn goes direct! July 20th, for some, is the long awaited date for the task master moving again and therefore not hammering home the same point over and over. We can now get on with what we have discovered while rooting through the cellar in the dark, digging up stuff that has stubbornly evaded scrutiny. Or that has disguised it self as necessary to our survival. And too, we may have been faced with fears based upon some very old thoughts that arise then are seen to be nothing more than the breeze that rustles the leaves. For some this may feel like a strong wind rattling the shutters.We settle into the comfort of knowing the Self once again in peace and Love. The healing comes easily to us, spreads quickly from the center outward soothing, caressing and nurturing in a way that only Truth can. It has slipped between the resistance and the beliefs from the inside out and shattered all the incongruities that have just never made sense giving rise to numerous, numerous questions that of course have no answer.Then on July 21st Uranus stations retrograde. What happens when the planet of evolution, change and awakening slows down in Aries (I seek Self)? More internal inquiry. What stands in the way of Liberty? This question may be asked so many times during the course of a lifetime, especially for those determined to get to where they have always been. Abrupt change is very possible and may become ordinary; dropping everything that has always seemed fine in favor of a quest that takes one into the unknown. Instinctively we know this is where our truth lies, beyond the known world.The will and the way join hands in gracious allegiance. By the 24th as the New Moon approaches and Mars slides into Scorpio we should be filled with insight, many ah, hah moments that bring a smile—further relaxation into our perfection.There is an intensity to these days that manifests in various physical issues from exhaustion to a disorienting dizziness and feelings of nausea. There are no reminders of what should be, how one should or should not conduct themselves. Instead each individual is called upon to utilize their intuition as to what best serves them. And many things are available to us; many beautiful people are present to show the way if we find our selves in a place where we want to see our own luminous reflection. The doors are open just walk through.We may begin by gazing at this Full Moon. Being filled with gratitude and nothing else is a moment of Love and joy. And that is all there is.