Full Moon June 12, 2014 @ 22 degrees Sagittarius 06 minutes 0:11 a.m. EDT 9:11 p.m. PDT
“Not knowing when the dawn will come I open every door.” ― Emily Dickinson
We have this glorious moment, this present and our heart the jewel that provides us everything.A Full Moon in Sagittarious, what a glorious opportunity to see our full potential! This chart supports every inch that we proceed in that direction or every mile our heart leaps in pursuit of our desire. What is that desire? If the answer to this question is unclear, gazing at the fullness of the moon may provide important clues. As you peer into the luminous surface allow your self to proceed deeper into the light—fall into the light. Immerse your self in the light and observe what springs up all about you.If awareness comes to you then so may the gift of being here fully. The truth spreads about us in a way that we can not deny our greatest desire—to Be present, authentic and all that flows from the heart without fear or hesitation—embracing our humanity, embracing humanity.There are several exact aspects in this Full Moon chart that point directly to what we will integrate over the next several days. Other than the Sun/Moon at 22 degrees, Jupiter in Cancer occupies this number as well, quincunx Moon and semi-sextile Sun. Not going to overflow with enthusiasm or an expanded sense of self unless it applies to the greater understanding of Self. There is no knowing other than not knowing. There is no personal sense of identity as this does not serve Truth. There is no sense of personal accomplishment as it has little meaning compared to beauty of full expression. Truth, wisdom, expression from the heart is the only expression that matters. Then the sense of expansion into source, am that source is embodied. Blissful, peaceful, love-ful swim in the light of this Full Moon.Next we take a look at the Saturn/Venus opposition that includes Chiron also at 17 degrees, trining Saturn and sextile Venus exactly. Chiron, the healer makes easy aspect to the planets in opposition suggesting that to heal, release of insecurity, feelings of inadequacy and self judgment come about through a deep knowing of the self as perfect. As perfection there is no need for any thing external to fulfill me and suffering ends. My greatest desire fulfilled—recognizing my self as the object of my love—one and the same.The last two planets in exact aspect are Pluto and Mars at 12 degrees in square to one another.“Mars square Pluto is generally seen as a very difficult aspect, since the forces symbolized by Mars and Pluto and shown to be in conflict by the square are both associated with power, force and violence. The square suggests that powerful forces block your actions and prevent you from fulfilling your desires. These forces may be external to you or they may be your own subconscious "darker" forces.”—Gargatholil, DepthAstrology2.comThe brilliant aspect of these two powerful forces at 90 degrees inhibits one way or another, the fulfillment of desires that serve only to support the individual. Confronting the darker side of human nature is a way of eventually creating energy free of this need in order to eliminate such influences from one’s experience. We may all have an opportunity to examine some sliver of sordid human behaviour in order to transcend same. It is also an opportunity at the same time to recognize that it may be someone else perpetrating a ‘wrongdoing’ but in some way I too am responsible as we are all one here. No one suffers alone. Just as when one awakens to the Truth we are all lifted into the light.Jupiter rules Sagittarius so has significance as a result of this relationship. We have seen that it aspects the Moon and the Sun. It also squares the north and the south node. The point to which we aspire based on what we have learned in the past (north node) and leaving the past (south node) to be present now. South node in Aries, searching for Self, bringing forward all that one has experienced in this pursuit through the wisdom and expansive nature of Jupiter en route to knowing Self as balanced through surrendering to, accepting and allowing the Truth to arise, dissolving illusion. Jupiter is the optimism through which we know everything is possible, there are no limitations and in Cancer, love embraces us in the womb of creation, endless, effortless, eternal—nothing to resist.The degree of the Moon is 22, a master number that refers to understanding the nature of duality. When this is accomplished and we are immersed in the knowing of Reality, all things come to us easily, with grace. In physicality we are the Divine, Beloved and so experience existence from knowing that it is as it is—and why not? No resistance. The arrow of the archer, Sagittarius, points heavenward. In the tautness of the bow is enormous potential to attain great heights. Optimism and the passion to realize Truth point in the direction we travel always with an added measure of encouragement during these several days before and after this Full Moon. Let your destination be the very place from which you began.