"The stars are out, your feet are bare.Your arms are raised into the air.No one told you what to do.You now the way, the Way knows you."
~excerpt from Brandi Woolf
I call in my own personal and public dignity, independence, and societal freedom.I restructure new ideas around wealth, money, and how I define entrepreneurial or business success.I allow universal intelligence to design/ create serendipitous or unplanned events in my life that activate new skills, creativity, and momentum.I understand it’s not the size of the branches or trees, but the strength and depth of the roots that matter most. Failure doesn’t weaken the root, it actually strengthens and grounds it more.I am strongly rooted and allow what comes in to come in, and release what crumbles or collapses without resistance. ~idamichelle_moonastrology
The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn occurs on July 4th at 9:44 PM PT. This is the final eclipse in a series that began in January 2019. Closing out a cycle of eclipses on the Cancer/Capricorn axis, this eclipse sits opposite the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction, pulling focus on the beliefs and laws that are undergoing massive structural changes. @ChaniNicholasAn eclipse is an important event energetically, and this one is especially profound, being the third eclipse of a three-eclipse season. When you've already climbed two mountain peaks, a third ascent can really get your attention. A lunar eclipse is like an enhanced Full Moon. Emotions are heightened, with the intention of helping us see what has been residing primarily in the unconscious realms. Eclipses in general tend to be "karmic" in nature, bringing forward the past for us to assess and learn from. @PamYounghamsMercury stations direct on July 12th. Scouring the bottom of the ocean for information, Mercury Retrograde in Cancer has spent most of this cycle excavating deeply embedded emotions and encouraging conversations that help us get real about how we feel. With Venus and Mercury now direct, we get a momentary break from the faster planets moving backward. @Chani Nicholas
"This full moon hits us in the foundational structures we have come to rely on in our lives. It is an opportunity to release our attachment to them and begin to revision what can replace them that would better serve our evolution and movement onto the next step on our path as a human race. We all need to spend a little time revisioning what we truly want for ourselves, our community, our country and our planet. This work will make a difference.
If something has recently changed in your life that has upset the equilibrium of your daily habits and patterns, take this as an opportunity to step back and use the disruption to be proactive with a revision or a reset. The inspiration that will fuel this reset is gratitude, love and awe. Stay away from anything negative if you can, including news, people, your own worry and thoughts, as well as the fears and projections of others. You are creating new foundations at this time and it is important to revision from our own clarity and inner values not clouded by other outside energies.Spend some time making an inventory of what you love and don’t love about your life right now. This is just an inventory, the choices, actions and reset will come later." excerpted from The Power Path School of Shamanism
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Nautilus shell fossilized in Amber[/caption]Amber: ranging in color from brown to red to green, Amber is a joyous stone instilling self-confidence and creative expression. A great stone for balance and luck, it is also helpful in cleansing negativity from the environment.Moss Agate: a stone of abundance, Moss Agate is a notable stone for use by gardeners and those in agricultural fields. Planted in the soil with plants, this stone can aid in their overall health. Charoite: Blending the energies of 3rd eye and crown Chakras, Charoite brings high spiritual energy into union with unconditional love. Great for facilitating dreams, it helps one to remember lessons learned in past lives, and can help ease emotional fears.