Full Moon May 14, 2014 @ 23 degrees Scorpio 54 minutes 03:16 p.m. EDT 12:16 p.m. PDT
Admit something: Everyone you see, you say to them, "Love me."Of course you do not say this out loud;otherwise someone would call the cops.Still though, think about this, this great pull in us to connect.Why not become the one who lives with a full moon in each eyethat is always saying, with that sweet moon language,what every other eye in the world is dying to hear?--from a year with Hafiz, Daniel Landinsky
Keen focus on what matters or what does not matter. Moon in Scorpio (conjunct Saturn, 4 degrees) opposition Sun in Taurus; if we feel like we need something for emotional stability our premise for this belief will be challenged. Tugged at by old insecurities, the basic considerations of the astrological 8th house, the cycle of humanity, birth, death, rebirth and regeneration, may loom tall on the agenda for the next several days. Further penetration to the core of our beliefs and that which may limit us.Until at last we arrive at the shining truth-- what is here is love. We realize that; that which we have always yearned for, we have always been. Only at a 'deeper' level of knowing do we grasp this truth. It is when everything else falls away and we have no illusions that we are not, that we are liberated. This is a gift of Scorpio and this Full Moon chart. There is little wiggle room. The wound is finally cauterized, the wound being our emotional neediness, by recognizing the impermanence of material reality in exchange for the knowing of unlimited, eternal 'Reality'.If the energy to perform habitual distractive antics eludes you this is part of the challenge, to sit with whatever may be uncomfortable on the way to realizing nothing matters--'nothing really matters' means a space in which not anything is a problem (Robert Wolfe, livingnonduality.org)-- except the 'truth'.It may feel like road rash, sound like nails on a blackboard, taste like battery acid and look like the final scene from Braveheart but on the other side of this is stillness, perpetual calm--the absence of suffering.Scorpio is strongly motivated to succeed and rarely balks at a challenge. So, whatever test you may be presented with at this time will be victoriously surmounted. In fact dig deep and deeper. Whatever the issue, you will find the strength to 'defeat the enemy' and move beyond into silence where the mind is not in control and peace prevails. I am "that" is all that arises and that is everything.With gratitude we embrace this Full Moon experience.