Full Moon November 6, 2014 @14 degrees Taurus 26 minutes 5:23 p.m. EST 2:23 p.m. PST

full in moon in taurus

Full Moon November 6, 2014 @14 degrees Taurus 26 minutes 5:23 p.m. EST 2:23 p.m. PST

There is elegance and grace in knowing that is reflected to us in everything we witness. It begins when a thought no longer elicits reaction.

Gazing upon the Full Moon is to know stillness. In this moment there is no judgment, no desire to have it be anything other than it is. We have gazed upon this moon so many times. It is so much a part of our awareness that there is only peace as we arrive home. We are in a place of utter acceptance. The experience fills us to overflowing; boundaries fade and the moment becomes the unending sense of not two but one.The Full Moon in Taurus is the awakening of the self assured. “I have”. In the early stages of discovery is acquisition until satisfaction is achieved. Then we stand in fullness that has nothing to do with anything outside of one self. This Full Moon in Taurus is Venus complete. The vision of the goddess rising from the sea, like the Full Moon, there is perfection and we ask for no more or different or better. We are content and there is peace. We no longer deny our selves or punish our selves by resisting acknowledgement of the source from which all notion of security is derived.At this time is the potential for ‘elegant transformation’. The swan, head bowed, focused only on the mirror-like surface supporting it as it glides easily through time and space. The 5th harmonic of this Full Moon chart (the 360 degree circle divided by 5=72 degrees-two planets affected by this aspect called a quintile, have the unique ability to usher one into a place of potent manifestation once we traverse the rocky landscape of physical reality) has an exact t-square between Mars and the Sun/Moon opposition. Mars in Aquarius has the vitality to move us through the portal to understanding the fragility of physical existence or duality to the knowing of the Self eternal and the subsequent manifestation of the gifts particular to each individual.In the natal chart for November 6 is a conjunction of Mars and Pluto in Capricorn—the movement and further disintegration of structures unsupportive to ‘healthy’ growth. The aspect is exact on November 10th and is accompanied by Venus edging closer to Saturn and a square from Jupiter; deep examination of personal desire that can influence all of our experiences, limiting clarity and Self expression—coming from the heart. At the same time is a sextile from Mars/Pluto to Pallas Athena in Scorpio and a sextile to Chiron in Pisces. This geometry is referred to as a small talent triangle that defines the nature of the ‘gift’. We have access to insight and wisdom and a sense of independence to successfully heal wounds that lie, in some cases, far below the surface. In fact the combination of these planets—Mars/Pluto and Pallas and Chiron in these signs—Capricorn, Scorpio and Pisces is a prescription for significant mending of the warp and weft of humanity—affecting each of us equally whether we are aware of this or not.We continue in our daily endeavors perhaps oblivious to the powerful energetics occurring about us and so smoothly can these transitions carry us from A to B to C that we one day wake up without pain. And it may register barely an ah, hah.Venus was prominent by aspect in the recent New Moon (conjunct the luminaries October 23) and is again both by natural rulership of the Moon and through proximity to the Sun though separating now. We have had a long hard look at what we want and now as Venus approaches Saturn we have the opportunity to expel excess baggage.“This road (to knowing Self) is passable, but it does steepen. If you are not intent in your direction, you may access the leveled detours. But if you do take the direct road, be prepared to jettison your cargo.” ~Robert Wolfe, from Abiding in Nondual Awareness Our ‘efforts’ are continuous and of this we may be unaware. When we glimpse the ‘light’ as we may through the familiar observation of a Full Moon and all comes to rest in the heart, baggage or no baggage, we recognize home. Without the conditioning however we are free to observe everything from a place of stillness. In these next few days we are led into a deeper and profound connection to this peace.[caption id="attachment_9359" align="aligncenter" width="231"]

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