Full Moon October 8, 2014 @ 15 degrees 5 minutes Aries 06:50 a.m. EDT 3:50 a.m. PDT by Anna Chapman

Joseph Rodriquez[/caption]The dramatic message seems abundantly clear: exposure to profound illumination is exposure to definite risk of radical transformation of one’s material existence or security. The willingness to risk is not separate from the openness to awakening. One who is not willing to take this risk—of possessions, career, family, security, stature, future and past—has encountered the first barrier, the eye of the needle.

—Robert Wolfe, Living Nonduality

This Full Moon is aggressive, feisty and tempestuous! It has the potential to blast us free of tenacious emotional and behavioral patterns as Uranus, the great awakener conjuncts the moon and together they trine Jupiter and Mars--all in fire. Burn baby burn! The sense of security dearest to us may not be what serves us. In a flash of inspiration whatever it is that stands between me and the freedom to express my self fully (Aries “seeks self”) is heaved into the flames without hesitation. Mars in Sagittarius is impetuous, bold and thinks nothing of hurling one self over the edge of the cliff to deal with the consequences later. Well, guess what? There are no consequences. Not that makes any difference really.Perhaps the ego suffers a little bruising as I give up thoughts that I should be this or that, something more, better or different; just more expectation that creates disillusionment.Now there is the clarity to stand up to the ego and free one self from long held believes about the nature of our existence (none of which is true). This is accomplished with a great deal of enthusiasm (again thanks to Aries). Too long have we dawdled between what we erroneously assume is our responsibility here and really living life! Jupiter in Leo and ruler of Sagittarius suggests in a very loud voice that we go for it and express from the heart. It would be possible to become enamored of one’s own greatness, bigness, importance with this trine except for the very fortunate square between Venus in Libra and Pluto. Venus in Libra is about fairness, balance and harmony and Pluto in Capricorn is not likely to allow any desires for self promotion to stand in the way of real liberation. That is the whole point here.This is another wake up call set for repeat. We are taking this rising into awareness seriously. As of October 4th, Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio, couldn’t get more perceptive and adept at finding what does not serve an individual; to release them selves from the discomforting thoughts of mortality. When Mercury went retrograde, the moon was in Aquarius ruled by Uranus the planet that now conjuncts the moon and insists on evolution for our highest good. We will shine our light. It is our deepest desire to dwell in the heart of the true Self. This takes us back to the Pluto square Venus aspect that eliminates individual desires that eventually leave one feeling lost and lonely once we have cycled through a pile of them to say, “now what?”[caption id="attachment_9096" align="alignright" width="231"]

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Click to enlarge[/caption]And if we consider that as Mercury went retrograde Saturn was squaring the moon in Aquarius we get an even clearer picture of what this Full Moon illuminates for us as well as this period of Mercury retrograde; that is disciplined and focused attention upon overcoming limiting emotional dependency. Anything I take personally has the potential to create separation in which case I can perpetuate the vicious cycle of neediness.Of course there are a few side effects of the energy surrounding these few days that we may want to prepare our selves for. A fire grand trine is more energy than some can handle especially if the chart is predominantly water or earth. The essence of Truth, the rising of awareness may impel one to be rather blunt.As the energy builds the momentum could drive you to excessively straightforward expression that seems foreign to your tongue. You may unwittingly offend dozens of people as you travel, a whirlwind unleashed and unstoppable, devouring all that moves and is unmoving only to find that there is no devouring taking place. All that lies in my path has always been a part of me—I am that. Finally, I lack the social conditioning to delude my self further. Thank God for that! Or my Self. Same thing. I am eternally grateful for continuous presence beyond all else and my determinedness to wrestle the ego into a place of subservience long enough to know freedom, the joy of release.It feels so good! Think about mending the scorched and tattered field of experience later. Maybe when I look back I will see there is nothing that requires mending; nothing out of place or in need of smoothing or soothing. So deep has the mind travelled of recent that words are not a factor in the consideration of any action or reaction. The mind dwells in a place of tranquility and stillness a place of thoughtless observance--peace.This is not a quiet Full Moon or one that is celebrated with the usual appreciation. This Full Moon demands our unwavering dedication to the light within. We may oooh and aaah at its splendid magnificence but deep within we know that it is my self that shines as brightly. It is my self that captures my attention as a shining luminary, as the object of my apparent desire. We need not move an iota to capture the essence of the one who stands staring with adoration at the silvery orb that has kept us company throughout the centuries and more.

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