Full Moon 03.05.2015 @ 14 degrees Virgo 50 minutes 1:05 p.m. EST 10:05 a.m. PST
“The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity”
~Ludwig Wittgenstein
When our attention turns inward and the mind ceases to judge, the ability to heal old wounds occurs as we provide a non threatening environment for release and expansion.Slowly the structures that we have developed as a result of environmental conditioning relax and begin to collapse through broader vision.As we proceed through the enlightening, transformative times of Pluto/Uranus in square aspect (the last exact one occurring 03.17 of this year), we benefit from this pervasive energy that moves us to eliminate the dross and to be inspired by the prospect of freedom. Freedom from the inhibiting beliefs that are ego centered and sourced from the past. As we are so aware there is only this moment that we experience now, anything else is not. All of our sense of identification is based on what we think we know of the past. If you put all of your memories in a box, in other words they cannot be accessed, how would you identify your self?This Virgo moon may have great capacity for memory but the Sun opposite in Pisces just wants to let go—no boundaries, no inhibitions. Virgo’s tendency is to analyze. What it discovers at this time due to the lofty arrangement of planets is an expanded version of a former picture that was based on quiet, yet often judgmental introspection. If we continually judge our selves the resulting state of contraction is one from which liberation is quite impossible.It is fortunate that Jupiter, gaseous giant is positioned to best guide us to a wider perspective, one of allowing and knowing that promotes openness. Semi-sextile (30 deg. separation) the Moon, trine Uranus and Venus and the apex of a Yod with Sun/Pluto at the base or sextile (60 deg. separation-a Yod involves 2 planets 60 deg. apart called an inconjunct or quincunx, 150 deg. separation, from a third planet-also known as the finger of God), Jupiter yields power at this Full Moon. As a planet that is associated with beneficial influence it would seem we are likely to shrug off insecurities and fears and inhabit enthusiasm and optimism for all of life and Being.[caption id="attachment_10199" align="alignright" width="232"]
click to enlarge[/caption]The Moon in Virgo will share an energy of surrender and service to the ‘highest good’ in this pursuit of what lies beyond the petty, mundane perception that we are limited to existence as this body/mind. The gift of Virgo is willingness to provide the necessary ‘research’ for furthering our ‘education’. The ability of Virgo to focus on any task to which it is set, results in a dedicated desire for that which serves the vehicle. Sensitivity to the external environment as well as the internal environment creates discriminatory action as regards people with whom we associate and food we choose to ingest.With the outer planets also involved at this Full Moon, whatever stands in the way of discovering Self, the Truth of our essential nature, will be scrutinized and eventually ejected.With awareness growing we will continue to notice the illusory nature of reality and persist in letting go of any notion that that is who I am. The inspired moment arrives when we realize that who/what we are is not anything that moves or changes or ceases to to exist. There is a long moment of deep satisfaction as we embrace Reality that includes a great deal of not knowing. My beliefs do not serve me. What then without them? Give your self time to explore the possibility that there is no answer to your questions or rather that there is only one answer to all of your questions and that is the Absolute, one essence; that which is everything and nothing.As we stand and gaze in adoration at the Full Moon consider that the power with which it mesmerizes us is also leading us to deeper inner reflection that inspires us to a larger vision and greater understanding of what constitutes the human being. This understanding unfolds perhaps slowly at first but quickens as we sift through layers of thought that cease to ring true. And as is also Virgo’s preference, there is little desire to embellish or include unnecessary factors that complicate an efficient resolution to any situation. Be prepared for a few simply poignant days.