Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse April 15, 2014 by Anna Chapman

total lunar eclipse
Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse April 15, 2014 @ 25 deg. Libra 16 min. 03:42 a.m. EDT 00:42 a.m. PDT

A full moon is warm light in the vast darkness, a familiar ‘friend’ that captivates and inspires us to creative passion, romance and the deep fascination of home. We have many memories of the full moon over years, decades and centuries; of being seduced by gorgeous abundance, pacified by constant stillness and hypnotized by thoughts that carry us beyond all limitations. We melt into the allure of hundreds of moments of simply Being in the presence of “that” in splendiferous expression.

There have been many reports about the series of total lunar eclipses that begins with this full moon (the others are on October 8, 2014, April 4, 2015 and September 28, 2015) and what they might portend. I am in favor of adapting the point of view offered by Geoff Gaherty writing for Starry Night Education at space.com:

Associations between "disastrous" events and normal astromical events are all fabrications of the human mind, as people attempt to find explanations for why disasters affect them. Because of the Internet and cable news channels, people now hear reports of disasters from around the world, including earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions, which they never would have been aware of in the past. It's almost inevitable that something bad will happen right after an eclipse or a visit from a comet.

As an ardent skywatcher who derives much pleasure from beautiful events like lunar eclipses, it saddens me that there are "prophets of doom" in the world who view these life-enriching events as portents of disaster.

The good news about these forthcoming lunar eclipses is that all four will be visible to most skywatchers in North America.

Simply to enjoy rather than fret. That is not to say that what is occurring with a few planets is benign. We are being affected by the t-square soon to be grand cross in cardinal signs. We can perhaps all attest to a degree of greater intensity that is affecting us in some way depending on what your particular experience is at this time.

Pluto opposition Jupiter, square to Uranus opposition Mars (this by the 22nd will be exact we none the less have been feeling the effects of this for a couple of weeks with the ongoing square of Uranus/Pluto for longer of course) is not a trivial matter relatively speaking. Some people have been dealing with physical manifestations of this energy while others are being pressured to ‘release’ on all levels what isn’t working or whatever is cluttering, all that is superfluous or feeds the illusion. What may have seemed a monumental task in the past is now easily approachable and effortlessly accomplished.

Resistance is an unnecessary reference to our experience. Gratitude is our reference point and every full moon is a reminder of the miracle of life and what a blessing it is! Never mind what sign the moon is in. Except we might mention that moon in Libra is peace, balance and harmony that only contributes to the grace we are receiving via what may feel like a supreme kick in the butt. No, it is grace! It only feels like running into a two by four. Just wait a few days, until your senses return—or, hopefully not. Walking around in a dazed state, a silly smile on your face that won’t seem to go even if you try.

Self and other, Self/other, slother, sloth, ot, o=O. Erase the line.

Observe the moon without any thought whatsoever. At some time you may become aware of a little smile that has crept over your face that feels much bigger than it is as it has started from within and won’t stop.

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