Get Cosmic with Moldavite by Jessica Allen

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An awe-inspiring tektite known for it's potent metaphysical properties, Moldavite is a rare transclucent green vitreous material found in areas of the Czech Republic whose formation is attributed to a major meteor impact that occurred roughly 14 million years ago. Not to be confused with meteorites, tektites are formed from meteorite impacts ejecting terrestrial material, subjecting it to extreme conditions of heat and pressure. The intensity, magnitude, and rarity of the event that causes these little green tektites to form gives much indication as to it's unique metaphysical properties. Moldavite is a great stone for anyone interested in expanding their consciousness--it can be used as a spiritual catalyst, quickening one's spiritual evolution, and is a wonderful stone for fine-tuning clairsentient abilities.

Moldavite is a great stone to use for releasing attachments and outworn modes of being. It is a stone of truth and fortitude, and some users find themselves blown away by it's powerful effects. Moldavite has a strong and immediate communicative energy, that bypasses what is petty and seems to love what is universal and far-reaching. This can be un-grounding to some, but for others it is extremely grounding, as it acknowledges one's part in a divine universe by focusing and aligning the wearer/user with the most enduring aspects of their own being--in the context of the vast and mysterious whole.



oldavite loves working with other crystals, which can be helpful when first experiencing it's vibrations. Pairing it with Rose Quartz or Scolecite (or any stone you feel has a loving, comforting energy) can ease the powerful mind/body effects that some experience when first working with Moldavite. It boosts the power of other stones and is very helpful in distance/world healing crystal grids. It can be worn as a protective stone, and can be used to welcome significant life-changing encounters and events into one's life. Some use Moldavite as a bridge for communication with extraterrestrial beings, and regardless of your inclination in that regard, Moldavite definitely carries a message that it wants to share/communicate. Used in meditation, Moldavite helps one to align with cosmic consciousness and access broad realms of spiritual information.

We just got our new shipment of Moldavite in, so come have a look...and be sure not to miss our other neat Moldavite goodies--bath salts, body oil & incense infused with essence of our favorite green tektite!

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