After the flurry of December activity, I am looking forward to navigating the inward arc of January and celebrating a time of intimacy with self; replenishing in stillness while restructuring personal goals, relationship needs, and inherent values.
I am looking forward to building my compost heap where ideals that no longer live for me are tilled under and allowed to decay and nourish the next cycle of growth. Using the shorter, cooler days and nights to take time for study, reverie, for true seeing, for dreaming into being so that come Spring a vibrant, rich soil that can produce flower and fruit will have been prepared; welcoming the seeds and bare roots that have been dreamed into being.
Energetically, January does not feel like the time for me to launch new actions, resolutions, intentions, and so I honor that timing. Doing my work, waiting for Spring. Perhaps this is the secret to so many failed new year’s resolutions?
Whenever, however you prepare your soil, may it be full of nutrients and aerated by earth worms so that your harvest will be your hearts desire.
Teresa, spirit of Thule, Tucker, Huxley, and all at Paradise Found