Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.~Karl Barth
Greetings to our friends and community,
...And so it is with great joy that we celebrate your essential role in the ecosystem that is Paradise Found. Each element: the staff (yay Darren, Benjamin and Sean); the intuitive readers; the vendors who source ethically produced goods; the pet therapists Thule and Tucker; and YOU come together to create a magical environment in which we explore what it means to be an evolving human being. For this, we are so grateful.
We are also grateful to be living in these times filled with transformative possibility and opportunity. Although the tension of uncertainty of how it all will unfold can get uncomfortable.
A new human species is being born that looks at the external world of things, interactions, and experiences as a mirror that reflects an internal world of intentions, emotions, and thought.
~ Gary Zukav
Inner work and outer work are one. They are both necessary, but not sufficient unto themselves. Our relationships with ourselves, each other and our environment are shifting.
I have occasionally found myself holding my breath, either in excitement for the possibility or fear that it won’t be fulfilled. Upon exhaling, I laugh at my insistence that I know how evolution should unfold; wise and peaceful. With the next inhale breath, I anchor light. With the next exhale breath, I move from worry to wonder. With the next inhale, I anchor light. With the next exhale, I choose heaven on earth…riding out both the excitement and fear until balance and peace arrive.
I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted, and behold, service was joy.
~ Rabindranath Tagore
Teresa, Thule, Tucker and all at Paradise Found