Hallowe'en Season, the Unbecoming

When people say, “The veil between the worlds is thin,” you might wonder, “What veil?” They mean the thickness of perception which usually keeps us from seeing ghosts and faeries,

Ghostly Dancing Trees

spirits of the dead, or seeing through time so that we might see the dead while they were still alive. At Samhain season, this veil is no longer so impenetrable. We become more able to see through time, through dimensions, to other-worlds of past and possible future. Hence the preponderance of imagery of ghosts and goblins, haints, witches and the undead who straddle realms and times.

But that does not explain “Why now?” And this is why:

At this time of year, everything becomes less determinate and defined. Things are letting go of holding on tightly to being solidly what they are. Like trees in the forest, they are decomposing, turning to dirt. That momentum of surrender and decay, whether you believe in anything supernatural or not, pulls everything.

And because everything is breaking down, everything is breaking down, even us, just a little. We are becoming a little less human as faeries are becoming a little less fae. Ghosts are becoming less ghostly. Not that they are becoming more material, but that they are less ghosts. Everything is less what it is.

Excepted from Elephant Journal article by Laura Marjorie Miller

To read the complete article: http://www.elephantjournal.com/2012/10/halloween-season-the-unbecoming/

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