Hannukah is Just Around the Corner!

Hanukah menorahs & candles as well as 2014 Jewish calendars

The Festival of Lights is upon us as the celebration of the Maccabees is lived from sundown on Wednesday, November 27 until sundown on Thursday, December 5th.“Hanukkah oh Hanukkah, come light the Menorah…Hanukkah oh Hanukkah will all dance the Horah…Gather around the table, will give you a treat…Lots of tasty chocolates and latkes (potato pancakes) to eat…Hanukkah oh Hanukkah, come light the Menorah…”Every year brings something different, and 2013 brings “Thanksgivingukkah.” Normally Hanukkah is celebrated around the time of Christmas or slightly earlier. It sometimes even stretches past New Year’s Day. This year it begins before Thanksgiving for the first time since 1888. This convergence between Thanksgiving and Hanukkah will not occur again for almost another 78,000 years.

Source: Washington Times

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