Happy New Year! Happy Now Here!

"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished."

~Lao Tzu


Santa Barbara sunrise

Happy New Year! Happy Now Here! We welcome this sweet time of transition between one calendar year and another.  There have been many years where I was “ready, set, go” with a big plan for an imagined future on January 1, but not this year. This year I feel content to sit in the stillness of the winter season, and allow the path of most alignment and least resistance to arise within me. This year I embrace clarity, alignment and presence and let go of the pressure of swinging into action and grasping at immediate manifesting. This year I celebrate flow and surrender and a happy here now. I take a deep breath and relax into knowing that the time for action will come. My lifetime of seeds buried in the cold soil will awaken and sprout with power and focus. In the meantime, I will sit by the fire and sort and quietly tend them.However, you choose to begin this new calendar year, and there are no “right” ways to do it, we wish you peace and fulfillment, abundant joy and love, health and well-being now and throughout the coming year.We look forward to serving you.Teresa, spirit of Thule, Tucker, Huxley and all at Paradise Found 

"Replace all your lists with things to do with lists of how you want to feel."

~Maryam Hasnaa 


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