A special Star Flower essence blend has just arrived! Harmonic Concordance, A Galaxy of Love, celebrates this amazing time in which we live, marking the 10 year anniversary of an "extremely rare and spiritually significant astrological event that occurred November 8-9, 2003."
The Harmonic Concordance Anniversary essence is a very special blend of flower and gemstone essences (and one comet essence!), synergistically chosen and formulated to honor and enhance this sacred event.
Among its many gifts, this essence supports brother/sister-hood, harmony and understanding, receptivity to divine solutions, personal and global purpose, PEACE ~ and remaining balanced during these transformative times.
Stellar for Groups, Celebratory Gatherings, Sacred Ceremonies and Community Unity of All Kinds
And, speaking of Celebratory Gatherings...
Star invites you to walk the labyrinth and play in nature...
Bring a song or dance or poem or prayer or whatever you are moved to share, and they LOVE instruments of all sorts, so bring them too.
Saturday ~ November 9, 2013
1:30 - 5 PM
There will be a fire in the fire pit- unless its hot and windy or something like that... (Note that the event is not happening if it is raining.)
They will be serving crystal flower essence punch and some kind of munchie thing. If you feel moved to bring anything (vegetarian) to share- that's great. If not, that's great too.
Please RSVP - and it isn't necessary as the gate will be open that day. Of course if you haven't been there before you will have to e-mail us for directions at bliss@staressence.com.