Harmony Keys Energy Healing System | Products We Love!

A Self-Healing Modality for greater health, wealth, and love. Be your own healer with the Harmony Keys Healing Modality! Learn the tools you need to release old emotional blocks that are hindering your success and happiness.

The Harmony Keys takes the mystery out of energy work,
and guides you to awaken your innate healing powers.
Learn how to identify stuffed emotions and compressed states,
so you are able to release them and be free of unresolved blocks from the past, once and for all!

Are you curious about energy work, and seeking to intentionally advance your personal growth? Are you open to having emotional and spiritual breakthroughs, by taking a clear look at yourself, your energy, and your emotions?

The Harmony Keys, created by Janelle Christa, is a system for re-activating your innate healing powers, recognizing and identifying stuffed emotions, and then releasing them. That is just a very brief description of what is actually an entire healing modality.

A powerful healing system, designed to look like a game, The Harmony Keys is easy to pull out at a party with friends, with your teenage child, with your partner, on your own, or with possible clients in the future! You can use The Harmony Keys to deepen your relationships and integrate healing into your daily life.

When you purchase the kit, which includes the board, cards, guidebook, pendulum, and crystal roller, you also get the specialized online support from Janelle Christa--She is currently available to answer email queries, and has also provided many videos and lessons online, to help you feel very confident in using this system. Join the community of Harmony Keys practitioners, and try this fun introduction to energy work!

Check out these detailed instructional videos demonstrating how to use this ground-breaking energy healing system!

Meet the Creator of The Harmony Keys

Janelle Christa is a mother, wife, healer, author, coach, screenwriter, actress, and producer. She wears lots of hats and attributes her ability to juggle all these roles successfully to this energy healing system, which helped her to access her creative force and channel it effectively, helping her to achieve greater health, wealth and love.

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