We have a nervous system. We have a circulatory system.But what most people don’t realize,is that we also have a connective system. We have an instinctive longing to connect with nature,with family, with community,and with the deepest parts of ourselves.
~Jon Young
Greetings to our friends and community,
Summer cometh! Long days. Earth, ocean, mountains and trees. Sunrises full of birdsong, silent sunsets, growing green gardens filled with homegrown goodness. Stone fruit. Watermelon. Sand between my toes. Salt on my skin. Dirt under my fingernails. Delicious.
The pulse of the Summer Solstice begins to quicken and my anticipation is tender and sweet--as I pop another succulent cherry in my mouth—the first of the season!
I have recently discovered the work of Jon Young. Jon Young is a nature connection mentor, naturalist, wildlife tracker, peacemaker and co-founder of the 8 Shields organization http://8shields.org/. Their mission is to help support connections between people and nature, to build more resiliency and relationship across ages and stages of life through mentoring within communities, and to `help individuals to shine in their unique gifts and visions. Aho
Jon asks, “What can we do now to bring more connection in our lives, and to activate the full potential of our sensory connection system?” This is a question worthy of our consideration. I have given myself this inquiry as my June assignment as part of my self-directed summer school studies.
Connection fosters care. Care fosters compassion. Compassion fosters peace and wellbeing for all.
We are deeply grateful for our connectedness to you and you to us.
Om shanti, shanti, shanti
Teresa, spirit of Thule, Tucker, Huxley and all at Paradise Found