To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage. ~Lao Tzu
The outpouring of your love and appreciation for Thule has touched my heart deeply. As he touched so many lives, I have come to see him as a truly "public poodle", and yet, I have my very personal process. As I have navigated through this altered state that being a midwife to a beloved's transition brings, connecting with you all and your kindness has been grounding; given me strength and courage. Midwifery is sacred work, it is challenging work; and a great and mysterious gift that drops you into another dimension. And, as is the case with all states, it is transitory.
Having had some practice in growing through loss of form, I know that moments of discombobulation will arise; and they have. There is a re-orientation of priorities, of routine, an impulse to reach out in the material world for a form, and to be met with spirit instead--Phantom limb syndrome.
Gently meeting my discombobulation with compassion and tenderness has been my practice as I shift into a new phase. Coming back again and again to the flood of love and appreciation that filled me at the bottom of the initial grief, has sustained me.
The beauty of the warmth and kindness of your support fills me. Thank you.
When you dont know what else to do, find a way to love.~Jenny Lemoine