New Beginnings & Soothing Heart Energy with Jade, by Darren Campbell

Spring has officially sprung and is it ever beautiful. Each day brings more and more daylight and, everywhere you look, life is in bloom. People are coming out of hibernation and life force energy seems to be permeating everything; truly an awakening from a wintry state. So it seems a perfect fit for this month's stone to be Jade.

Jade can appear in nearly every color, but is most commonly seen in variations of green, a color synonymous with growth. Thus Jade is considered a stone of growth and new beginnings. It carries a gentle, nourishing energy which can be both soothing and purifying. It is a supportive stone, conducive of happiness and tranquility. It is the stone of calm in the midst of the storm.Other prime benefits of Jade include being a perfect stone for both good luck and abundance. Drawing on the Divine, Jade brings these energies into your life for greater harmony, happiness and material abundance. It helps to even relinquish self-imposed limitations while assisting in achieving one's desire and facilitating confidence and self-sufficiency.Jade is also the ultimate "Dream Stone," revered in ancient cultures, as well as today, to access the spiritual world, gain insight into ritualistic knowledge, encourage creativity, and dream-solve. It releases negative thoughts and irritability. It stabilizes the personality, integrating mind with body, to stimulate ideas and make tasks less complex and easier to act upon. Placed on the forehead, it brings insightful dreams. [Melody, 341] [Hall, 152]If you haven't already, now is the time to bring some of the benefits of Jade into your life. Stop by and see us and add to your crystal collection today!

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