It's with a heavy heart that I sit here staring at the screen, not knowing exactly what to write. It took me an hour to get to this point of actually putting words into place. America has many problems at the moment. Sadly, none of them are new, but as a collective consciousness we are becoming more aware of them, and they are getting worse.
We are not the only country with guns, yet we are the only developed country with a severe gun problem. We are not the only country with racism, yet we are the only developed country with a severe racism problem. And we seem to be the only developed country in the world where these two issues go hand in hand.
I don't write this to begin a discussion, or spark debate, it is merely a statement of fact. No matter the school of thought behind why shootings are occurring, or how to solve them, does not change the fact that they are occurring. I find myself questioning where I go and avoiding large gatherings, and just as the recent backfiring car in NY sparked a gun scare which caused injury, our society is triggered and we all need a remedy.
I offer Jet as a means of some help. Jet is a form of petrified wood, which "occurs as isolated masses in bituminous coal, also known as Lignite, in marine areas from fossilized water-logged driftwood." Since ancient times it has been used as a talisman to protect one from "entities of darkness"; and it is an incredibly absorbent stone, soaking up negative energy. It works to clear your own energy field as well as to alleviate feelings of fear. It can even help to facilitate the release of negative behaviors and old emotional attachments.
Jet is a great stone to be used as a calming talisman in times of high stress or loss, making it an ideal stone for grief. In many cultures, Jet was used as a stone for mourning, and during the Victorian era was worn as elaborate jewelry by women who had lost loved ones. Those who are sensitive to negative vibrations would benefit from carrying jet with them. In general, it is a great ally on one's spiritual path and is highly recommended as an addition to a medicine bag. Jet is also a helpful connection to the Earth via the Root Chakra; a connection to a grounding, nurturing well of energy which helps to balance, ground and protect.
Come visit us at the store. Feel free to share your stories and seek some guidance with our crystal friends. Add some Jet to your collection and consider pairing these other stones as they are great partners of Jet: Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Black Obsidian, Apache's Tears, Amber, Moldavite.