Black Tourmaline & Seraphinite
Travel is an exciting way to expand our perception and enhance connection with others, therefore facilitating compassion and respect for each individual. Traveling with friends and exploring together is such a fun and special way to strengthen relationships and inspire growth, so why not carry a few crystal friends along with you? Here are some crystal companions to comfort you and keep you safe, whether you’re traveling the astral plane or exploring our magickal world.Black Tourmaline is the perfect travel buddy who will provide a sense of safety and ground you along your journey so you may stay on track and enjoy the awe and amazement the new experiences inspire within you to the fullest. This stone will also relieve any anxiety and increase optimism so you can thrive through any circumstances, while also enhancing your ability to connect and understand others and retain your emotional and spiritual strength. This will ensure that you don’t run out of adventurous energy!You are always in safe hands with Seraphinite. This beautiful green and silver stone is your guardian angel that will surround you with loving light energy which will radiate from your spirit, attracting beauty and wonder, and shielding you from any danger or mishaps that could arise. Seraphinite blesses the wearer with enlightened openness and wisdom, which is very important when traveling and meeting new people.There is so much beauty to explore in this magickal world we live in. Every new person we meet and every new experience we have is an opportunity to learn and grow. Black Tourmaline and Seraphinite will provide the sense of safety and excitement you need to truly enjoy your travels. Good luck embracing your adventurous spirit and enjoy the blessings you receive along the way!