Liberation is our very nature. We are that. The very fact that we wish for liberation shows that freedom from all bondage is our real nature.
~Ramana Maharshi
Greetings to our friends and community,
This 4th of July we celebrate 242 years of the grand social experiment known as the United States of America. We acknowledge the vision of those forbearers who brought this nation into being. We sing praises for the safeguards in the form of structural checks and balances they put into place. We honor the many accomplishments that we as a nation have achieved, while also acknowledging that the experiment has yielded some less than glorious episodes and some chronically uneven results for many.
The beauty of an experiment is that there is always a present and evolving possibility for assessment and course correction. May a deep citizenship arise amongst us and lead us to the creation of a nation where the highest potential of humanity is realized for all.I also celebrate our freedom to choose where we put our attention. Fear or love. Attending to beauty, truth and goodness brings me into the here and now, the place where all wisdom, growth and healing abide. Let us celebrate our capacity to choose being in the here and now rather than the there and then of an unknown future.And, finally, I celebrate that in the midst of it all we have so much goodness to celebrate.
Welcome to Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. Won't you be our neighbor?Teresa, spirit of Thule, Tucker, Huxley and all at Paradise Found
Happy 83rd Birthday to HH Dalai Lama on July 6!
PS Voter registration forms are available on the tea table should you be in need of one and inspired to participate in the grand experiment