We have known for some time now that the spirituality of tomorrow will not be your father’s spirituality—it will be different; it will be wilder; it will be more direct; it will be more real and authentic; it will speak, not of creed’s or beliefs, but directly to the heart and mind in the most certain and unmistakable words imaginable. In other words, it will speak a lot like this book does. Pick it up; read it; find out for yourself; and you’ll be very glad you did.
~Ken Wilber
Been listening to the big buzz around this book which just arrived, and can't wait to take it home...Brutally honest and radically unconventional, Chris Grosso’s collection of stories and musings about his meandering journey of self-inquiry, recovery, and acceptance shows what it means to live a truly authentic spiritual life.Set amongst the backdrop of Grosso’s original music (included for download via QR codes in the text), Indie Spiritualist encourages you to accept yourself just as you are, in all your humanity and imperfect perfection.