Knock Knock | Products We Love!

Bring Humor, Creativity, and Thoughtfulness into your life...with these bold, stylish journals


knock knock

Is written creative expression or journaling a piece of your intentions for 2020? Check out these journals with just the right amount of prompting to get you going but not intrude on your process.

Created with Love and Vision by a team of 50+ in Los Angeles ~ artists and editors who believe that passion and curiosity can make anything interesting, and humor makes everything better.

It's good to notice Quality Design. Knock Knock journals stand out for their simplicity, their quirky humor, and their treasure trove of inspirational quotes to reinvigorate, refresh, and re-energize your journaling practice in 2020!

Enjoy their Bold Graphic Art combined with statements from global leaders, artists, and writers embodying positive action, positive self-image, personal power, and determination to grow and evolve.

Also from Knock Knock:

knock knock

The Spiritual AF Deck, created by Roxanne McDonald, instagram's @Spiritual_AF.

A quirky oracle deck for the rebel in your live, this irreverent deck fills a niche ~ connecting with audiences who may not vibe with more traditional, less provocative decks.

Jen Blik, Head Honcho & Founder of Knock Knock

Jen Bilik | knock Knock Head Honcho

Happenstance landed Jen in coffee-table books, exciting mini-productions unto themselves with graphic designers, illustration sources, four-color printing, authors, and copyediting.While serving as the point person for text on late-breaking books, she inadvertently enjoyed a series of deskside internships in graphic design. After a freelance stint that included editing many books as well as co-authoring two (Todd Oldham: Without Boundaries and Women of Taste: A Collaboration Celebrating Quilt Artists and Chefs), Jen moved to Los Angeles to ponder how she might make her elusive mark.A few years and a million head scratches later, Knock Knock was born out of Jen’s desire to play with paper and wit.With Knock Knock, Jen and the team seek to create products distinctive in concept, content, and design. We hope you enjoy their clever creations as much as we do! 

15.00 ~ Dream Journal16.00 ~ Large Journals10.00 ~ Mini Journals14.00 ~ Spiritual AF Deck

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