Kuan Yin: Merciful Mother

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Mother of Love and Compassion Bestow your wisdom upon me Help me see humanity through your eyes Help me master the love and compassion that you hold near your heart of Gold Help me shine like a beacon in the night and see my reflection in your tear of love Quan Yin I thank you for your tireless love and your patience and hope for humanity

May greetings to our friends and community,

In this season of celebrating mothers and the divine feminine, Kuan Yin, she who hears the cries of the world and responds with mercy and compassion, protector of mothers and children calls to me. In Asian cultures, she wears many different names and costumes, and her legends vary from place to place.In one Buddhist legend, Kuan Yin vows to never rest until she has freed all sentient beings from suffering. After struggling to comprehend the needs of so many, her head splits into eleven pieces. Hearing the cries of humanity, she reaches out to all those in need, but found that her two arms shattered into pieces. Amitabha comes to her aid and gives her a thousand arms so that she may reach out to those in need.In the face of the recent earthquake I invite and invoke the merciful, compassionate energy of her with many names, ears to hear and arms to help.The invitation to embody the merciful mother is always present. We can keep our listening open and cultivate unconditional love as if we had eleven heads. We can hear the cries of suffering and reach out as though we had a thousand arms with a thousand small acts of kindness. We can practice patience and cultivate harmony. Our compassion can bring peace and tranquility to this world and help alleviate suffering.Om Mani Padme HumTeresa, spirit of Thule, Tucker, Huxley and all at Paradise Found

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