This is going to be off the charts AMAZING!
When: Saturday, 9/20, 10:30AM-5:30PM
Your Investment for Life Force Theatre:"I am Committed” $95 before Sept. 8th$125 after Sept. 8th
Location: Center of the Heart, 487 N Turnpike Rd, Santa Barbara
To register: Paradise Found, 17 East Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, 805 564-3573,
Welcome to the Life Force Theatre, an innovative ceremonial event conducted in community spaces, churches, living rooms, temples, backyards, theaters, dance halls, music clubs, and other venues around the world. With soulful music, spontaneous movement, and live healing sessions, you are invited to an exhilarating immersion in the non-subtle life force that can free your body, trip your mind, and open your heart.
Welcome to the main stage for old school soulful ways. The spiritual door is open and super-charged spiritual energy enters. Nothing is predictable from this moment on, for there will be spontaneous teachings and blessings given to those in need. A healing will commence, followed by access to a visionary realm. Spiritual eyes and ears open, and hearts begin to sing.
This one-of-a-kind transformative experience is at once an old school healing ceremony, shamanic revival, mystical cabaret, and traveling shaking medicine show. Here the non-subtle life force delivers the mysteries of the sacred vibration, the most important secret held by the strongest healers and spiritual teachers throughout the ages. Come experience the most extraordinary form of creative, spirited transformation.
Anything can happen at the Life Force Theatre: people can feel mystery tap their shoulder, hear divine instruction spoken into their ear, and witness what is possible when the sacred vibration arrives and circulates. Even a medical doctor can get healed, as has happened numerous times before. A musician can find her song, a young teacher can find his mission, and parents can truly make a connection with their kids. An out of whack marriage or lonely heart can rediscover lost love, weary sufferers can find sacred direction, and spiritual seekers can make their way home. Here we experience unexpected miracles, timeless wisdom, and eternal love.
This is going to be off the charts AMAZING!
About the Keeneys: They are the foremost practitioners of creatively summoning and handling the non-subtle life force, a sacred vibration that spontaneously brings forth remarkable personal transformational and healing. This is the original source of ecstatic healing, shamanism, and spirituality.
Bradford Keeney, Ph.D., is an internationally renowned traditional healer, creative therapist, cybernetician, anthropologist of cultural healing traditions, and improvisational performer. Brad was chosen as the authorized successor to Ikuko Osumi Sensei, the foremost practitioner of seiki jutsu in the 20thcentury. The Kalahari Bushmen regard Brad as the highest level of traditional doctor, a "Heart of the Spears,” and the Zulu of southern Africa recognize him as having passed all levels of being a traditional healer or Sangoma. Brad is also a member of the Shakers of St. Vincent, and recognized as a grandfather shaman among the Guarani Indians and a traditional spiritual healer in Brazil, Mexico, and Bali, among other places in the world. Co-founder of The Keeney Institute for Healing, he is the author of over 40 books, including The Bushman Way of Tracking God, which won the prestigious Silver Nautilus national book award.
Hillary Keeney, Ph.D., is a distinguished scholar, author, and practitioner of creative transformation and improvisational performance. Co-Founder and President of The Keeney Institute for Healing, she has been a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) in Mexico and Senior Research Fellow at the University of Louisiana. Hillary presently serves as Associate Editor of the journal, Dance, Movement, and Spiritualities. Hillary’s most recent books (co-authored with Bradford Keeney) include Circular Therapeutics: Giving Therapy a Healing Heart, Creative Therapeutic Technique: Skills for the Art of Bringing Forth Change, and Seiki Jutsu: The Practice of Non-Subtle Energy Medicine. The Keeneys conduct a special two-year mentorship program in ecstatic healing, shamanism, and spirituality.
Paradise Found and Sarah Uma, Inner Alchemy, are Co- Sponsoring the Keeney's in Santa Barbara the week of Sept. 15-21.
They will be available for private sessions that can be booked through
Register for Life Force Theatre through Paradise Found,17 East Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, 805 564-3573,
Copies of the Keeneys’ new book,
Seiki Justu: The Practice of Non-Subtle Energy Medicine will be available at the event. There will also be an opportunity to meet the Keeney’s and have a book signed at Paradise Found on Sunday Sept. 21. Paradise Found also carries some of their other books.
We are so honored to share these MoJo Mystics with our community.
This is going to be off the charts AMAZING!