Lion's Gate Portal Ritual

May the yearnings of your heart urge you to live a courageous life.

Lion's Gate Portal Ritual

"Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently."
~Maya Angelou

Materials Needed:

  • Journal and pen
  • Incense or essential oils (e.g., frankincense, lavender)
  • A candle (gold or yellow if you have it)
  • A bowl of water
  • Fresh flowers or greenery
  • Crystal (a Leo season related one if you have it)
  • Optional: any personal spiritual items (photos, mementos)


  1. Cleanse Your Space: Use incense or essential oils to cleanse your space, creating a peaceful and sacred environment. Arrange your candle, flowers, and any other spiritual items in your meditation area.
  2. Set Intentions: Light the candle and hold your crystal in your hand. Set your intentions for the ritual, focusing on heart healing, third eye awakening, and opening to higher spiritual knowledge.

Ritual Options:

  1. Heart Healing Meditation:
    • Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, inhaling peace and exhaling stress.
    • Place your left hand over your heart and hold your crystal in your right hand.
    • Visualize a warm, golden light surrounding your heart, healing any old or current wounds. Feel the energy of the Lionsgate Portal activating your heart chakra, releasing grief and sadness.
  2. Third Eye Activation:
    • Move the crystal to your forehead, just above your eyebrows (your third eye chakra).
    • Visualize a bright indigo light expanding from your third eye, enhancing your intuition and opening you to new insights.
    • Spend a few minutes in this visualization, allowing any intuitive messages to flow to you. You may want to journal any thoughts or visions that come to mind.
  3. Higher Chakra Opening:
    • Imagine a beam of light from Sirius entering through the top of your head, flowing through your body, and activating hundreds of smaller chakras.
    • Feel this high vibrational energy filling you with wisdom and spiritual knowledge. Allow yourself to be open to receiving psychic downloads, whether through dreams, visions, or inner knowing.

Happy Leo season and Lion's Gate!

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