Living Fully by Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche

Living Fully by Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche

We all aspire to live fully and freely in the moment.

In Living Fully, Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche reveals timeless wisdom that can help us fulfill this deepest aspiration. Each succinct teaching is a luminous jewel, an invaluable guide to actualizing our innate potential and breathing with joy and ease.

Today, with so many struggling with financial, relationship, and career challenges, Living Fully: Finding Joy in Every Breath is a timely prescription. Rinpoche offers the tools we need to experience genuine inner freedom, uncorrupted by endless craving for something better. Topics include beginning with a pure motivation, the preciousness of breath, healing oneself and others, the essence of meditation, and spontaneous fulfillment.

In a culture of frantic advertising and monomaniacal consumption, it's not surprising that there's been a huge proliferation of self-help books in America, which may signal a search for meaning beyond the parameters of possession - an acknowledgment that the socially-sanctioned recipe for happiness is a fraud. Unlike feel-good self-help books, Living Fully articulates a forward-thinking alternative to the drone of materialism leaving people suffering and miserable. Living Fully is the profoundly inspiring compilation of the oral teachings of a renowned Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader, His Eminence Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche, one of the extremely rare English speaking Tibetan lamas. Simultaneously expansive and personal, Living Fully is as comprehensive as a theological worldview and as intimate as a single person's quest for meaning. Conveying the human hunger for enlightenment, this book contends that Buddhism has continuously inspired emancipation from world-weariness and cyclical suffering.

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