
Love is not a mere sentiment. Love is the ultimate truth at the heart of creation.

~Rabindranath Tagor

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Image: Ilva Rimicane

Image: Ilva Rimicane[/caption]

This month of February brings special opportunities to be with, to contemplate, to explore love and its many diamond facets. This February, love calls to me as the organizing principle of the universe. It calls as the lens through which I see, as the perception by which I move through time and space. Love as a moment-to-moment verb.This is the invitation life itself has sent me. How shall I RSVP? I shall “Sink, sink willingly, into this bitter-sweet mystery of love, never knowing what love is and loving anyway, like a fool, like a fascinated child, like a madman, like one who has forgotten how to be cynical, or how to be right.” ~Jeff Foster Holy Yes!

Let us in this day be willing to take the risk that love always demands, to allow ourselves to become utterly naked, exposed, and vulnerable--setting aside our spiritual fantasies, goals, stories, and fixation of “me and my experiences”--even if only for a few moments. And then let us behold directly the precious gift of this life as it is, as we breathe out from the heart, see out through the heart, touch another through the heart, speak sweet and kind words to another through the heart, and listen through the heart to the rainfall of grace as it keeps the sun, moon, planets, stars, and galaxies from falling out of the sky.

~Matt Licata

With such appreciation for the dance of love we do with you,Teresa, spirit of Thule, Tucker and all at Paradise Found

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