Love in the Time of a Pandemic


To our beloved friends and community,


Springtime sets the stage for one of the greatest transformations in the natural world--“It’s the construction of a butterfly or moth from caterpillar soup.”


“One day, the caterpillar stops eating, hangs upside down from a twig or leaf and spins itself a silky cocoon or molts into a shiny chrysalis. Within its protective casing, the caterpillar radically transforms its body, eventually emerging as a butterfly or moth.” Metamorphosis.


I have been feeling like I’m/we’re in that pupae stage. In the soupy, amorphous state that even science doesn’t completely understand, where most of the caterpillar world I/we have known is now hanging upside down from a twig. This isn’t easy or comfortable.


There is associated grief in the surrendering of what we have known. Some are simple routines and conveniences, but there is also loss of life, illness, real isolation and many dreams on hold or perhaps lost and in need of redreaming. I have felt my grief over the possibility of losing my dream, Paradise Found, and deep concern about the wellbeing of our staff. No one is immune. Big stuff.


But, here is the amazing and wondrous thing about this process—there are “imaginal discs” (yes, that is what science calls them) that are activated that “imagine” the butterfly into being out of that amorphous mess. So, as we hang in individual and global collective pupae, may all our individual and global “imaginal discs” be activated for a more just, equitable and verdant planet.


Amidst all the uncertainty, I do know for certain one thing: that there is always opportunity even in the most dire of circumstances. Sometimes you have to stalk it patiently; sometimes it lands on you like a magical butterfly. Courage and patience are superpowers.


Life finds a way, and so shall we. May you find your spiritual portals and immerse yourself in source as often as you can.


With so much love and compassion for all,

Teresa, spirit of Thule, spirit of Huxley, Tucker and all at Paradise Found 



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