Manifesting Your Next Adventure: New Moon in Sagittarius Ritual

"What if the best-case scenario unfolds? What if everything aligns perfectly? Who would you become then?" ~Spirit Daughter

Manifesting Your Next Adventure: New Moon in Sagittarius Ritual

"The Bhagavad Gita--that ancient Indian Yogic text--says that it is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else's life with perfection."
~Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

Part one of this ritual is meant to bring your clarity around what you desire to manifest for your next adventure. Whether it's an adventure into your inner world to discover emerging parts of yourself, an adventure to a new area of your town or to try a new activity, or some travels that you've been yearning for to a far away place... no matter how big or small the adventure may be, take this moment during the New Moon in Sagittarius to manifest novelty that will rejuvenate your spirit.

Journal Prompts for Clarity and Manifestation

Take time to reflect on these prompts to connect with your next adventure:

  • What areas of my life are calling for expansion?
  • What new experiences do I want to welcome into my life?
  • If I had no fear or limits, where would I go, and what would I do?
  • What inner adventures—like healing, growth, or self-discovery—am I ready to embark on?
  • What kind of energy, feelings, or qualities do I want to experience on this journey?

For part two of this ritual, after you’ve journaled, create a vision board to bring your adventure to life.

Vision Boarding Ritual

  1. Flip through magazines or printed images and cut out pictures, words, and symbols that represent your desires and dreams for adventure.
  2. Arrange them on your board in a way that feels aligned and empowering.
  3. As you place each image or word, say aloud or internally: I call this energy into my life.
  4. Keep your vision board somewhere you can see it each day so that you can stay connected to your vision.

May this Sagittarius New Moon bring you fierce gratitude and optimism, for how far you have come and all that is soon to manifest.

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