Spring is, by its very nature, a time of awakening…nurture the spiritual seed, or seedling, within you. There is a reason we feel so much optimism and hope this time of year - it's a sign that growth and awakening is imminent! ~Mark Griffin
Loving Greetings to our Community & Friends,
Spring, with all its exciting volatility is on its way!
I have two fruit-tree-teacher-friends in my life. Both are ancient, mature trees who have suffered some past neglect; some unseeing, some unknowing from humans beings; one is an avocado and the other is an orange. (Yes, I am living the California dream!)
When they first came into my life they were in bad shape, barely hanging on. Both are now rejuvenated, thanks to a team of elemental beings, nature devas and human attention and love. These venerable beings both now hold the flowering of the season to come and the fruit of the season past. They are a perfect reflection of this potent time between elements and cycles--the bursting forth of the now with the maturation of the then--held at one time--the energy of winter moving to spring.
In their presence, I am reminded to be grateful for the wisdom-fruit that past nurturing practices have brought me, while welcoming the palpable feel of potential and possibility that flowering holds. I am reminded to send my roots down deep and suck up life. I am reminded not to try to pick that fruit before its time. I am reminded that past neglect is meaningless in the face of patient, nurturing attention in the now.
As we move toward the spring equinox we can look and see how we are going to choose to nurture our spiritual seedling for the full flowering of awakening!
Guacamole anyone?
With love in our hearts and dirt under our nails,
Teresa, Thule, Tucker & all at Paradise Found