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One Buddha is Not Enough: A Story of Collective Awakening by Thich Nhat Hanh
In order to save our planet Earth, we must have a collective awakening. Individual awakening is not enough. That is why one Buddha is not enough.
One Buddha Is Not Enough, a book on how to become your own teacher and create your own community. We already contain all the insight and wisdom we need. We are surrounded by the people who can help us on our journey. Sometimes all it takes is a wake-up call to remind us of what we are capable of.
Power up Your Brain: The Neuroscience of Enlightenment (H) by David Perlmutter and Alberto Villoldo“The shaman and physician for millennia were the same person until the 19th century when they were split apart in the name of science. Now through the lens of 21st century science, Villoldo and Perlmutter bring them back together, illuminating the web that links together our physical and metaphysical energy.”
Together they draw from the most powerful tools in each discipline to create the Power Up Your Brain program, a ground-breaking, five-week plan that helps prime the brain for enlightenment. With nutritional advice, dietary supplements, physical exercise, shamanic practices, meditation, and visualizations, Perlmutter and Villoldo guide readers, step by step, through a program to help them clear their minds from previous trauma and open themselves up to experience the inner peace, vast insight, and extraordinary creativity that define the experience of enlightenment, paving the way to successfully face the challenges to come.
Peace and Plenty: Finding Your Path To Financial Serenity (H) by Sarah Ban BreathnachPeace and Plenty is Sara Ban Breathnach's heartfelt response to the world's--and her own personal--financial crisis. Writing in the comforting style so beloved by her millions of fans, and drawing on myth, literature, film, drama and vintage women's magazines--particularly those from the great Depression-- Sarah inspires readers who are overwhelmed by the current economic downturn to reconnect with the peace and plenty to be found in the blessings of each day.
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