New! Chakra Wellness Oils by Golden Earth

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In the heart of your soul, you carry the seeds of divinity. Fulfilling your true purpose means growing those seeds into an orchard of sacred trees.

Michael Tamura

We are excited to bring you a new line of gemstone infused therapeutic grade essential oils by golden earth designed to balance and harmonize the seven chakra centers.

The word chakra comes from a hindu concept which tells us that there are seven spinning wheels of energy throughout our bodies. Seven main energy centers and each of the seven chakras lies along the midline of our bodies and gives us energy, balance and strength. When one chakra becomes weakened, golden earth’s chakra oils can be used for renewal and to restore balance. Each chakra has its own unique effect upon the body, and each can be nourished with a unique blend of essential oils derived from specific plants that resonate with each chakra.

Each organic essential oil has its own unique vibrations and healing energies in addition to their powerfully therapeutic scents. A single whiff of an essential oil is often enough to transport a person to a place of comfort and peace. Our sense of smell is our strongest sense, and essential oils are among the most aromatic scents in the world. When you smell a therapeutic grade essential oil, your spirit will be uplifted and your body revitalized. A simple smell is all it takes.

Golden earth therapeutic essential oils are 100% vegan and cruelty free. $24.95 each

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