New Moon 01.20.2015 @ 0 degrees Aquarius 9 minutes 08:14 a.m. EST 05:14 a.m. PST
There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.
~Nelson Mandela
We sail in a galleon the way for which is set by the ever changing night sky. The deep silence of the New Moon gives voice to countless stars that suddenly appear in numbers far too numerous to count. One would weary of this endeavor and simply give in to observing the cosmic domain; feeling small at first then vaster than the mind can possibly grasp. At 0 degrees Aquarius this moon offers consciousness freedom to explore without boundary or definition. Ruled by Uranus this decan (in this case the first 10 deg. of Aquarius) defies convention, acts upon knowing rather than belief and has no regard for emotional attachment as it limits ones vision/freedom.With four planets in Aquarius and three in Pisces we should expect the unexpected during this phase. There is an elimination process occurring that manifests through our greatest desires but illuminates our greatest fears, that of the unknown and yet we are helpless to struggle against the natural flow; the current is too swift. We are carried along and acting for the highest good without regard for individual concern. There is an inherent responsibility in expressing/being truth that we cannot deny so that peace will prevail that we might continue having the opportunity to embrace life here, a rare opportunity. We reach for everything, are content with nothing. The beauty of nothing becomes undeniable.Optimism goes hand in hand with a sense of how to accomplish, that leads to the practical application of these lofty ideas that spring from the depths of a newly realized truth. And there is no need to ask what is this truth as it is known, and known that there is no need to ask. Therein is freedom from the mind that perpetually wants answers and questions to confirm its purpose.
Saturn in this chart figures prominently as it sextiles Sun/Moon and squares Neptune/Mars. Its position in Sagittarius provides a vehicle for escaping the mundane through awareness of the underlying structure that is Reality. The mind will run rampant perhaps, wanting to educate us in all kinds of ways but on a deeper level the stillness will implore us to silence. What a huge relief! To suddenly find one self with out opinion, perspective or proposition. Without anything about which to be concerned we can get down to the ‘task’ of simply being and in that we allow everything its beingness. With nothing rubbing up against anything else causing friction there is no conflict, war or lack of peace.Listening takes precedence over the need to inform. It is at this time of the New Moon that we do our deepest listening, first to our own heart and then knowing that all hearts are essentially the same develop wisdom and compassion for all things here as we are the same.Full Moon, New Moons—quarter moons, harvest moons—come and go along with an eternity of astrological aspects that apparently give definition to a moment. However, the bottom line is the same that the ‘acquisition’ of freedom is awakening to Reality, escape from illusion and everything here eventually leads to that though it apparently takes time.In Reality, it takes nothing at all.