What is the message?As this New Moon is in Gemini we ask what is the ‘messenger of the gods’ up to? That is Mercury, ruler of Gemini (and Virgo) known as Hermes in Greek mythology, the son of Zeus, king of the Greek pantheon and Maia the eldest of the seven sisters that are the Pleiades. On the 11th of June Mercury went direct allowing us to resume communicative activity without delay or interference. In fact with Mars conjunct the luminaries for the next few days the intellect, razor sharp, may zip through tasks and seek more to do--especially anything that directs one toward the ‘big picture’.The underlying structure of the New Moon at 25 degrees Gemini is an exact grand trine (3 planets 120 degrees from each other) involving Uranus in Aries (evolution and illumination), Jupiter in Leo (generously and compassionately spreading the word) and Pallas Athena in Sagittarius (wisdom and ‘defense’ of Truth or upholding Truth). Profound underpinning that energetically circulates the essentials of the ‘big picture’=illumination, compassion and Truth with ease and grace, the nature of a grand trine—energy moving in a continuous flow--a passion for eliminating that which is not balance and harmony. This is a fire grand trine so plenty of energy to move us along.The nature of Mercury is changeability. The sign Gemini is mutable indicating an ability to move quickly from one experience to the next as we continue to dance our way through all that fascinates us here learning the art of detachment and continuing the journey.Although 6 planets are mutable in this chart, Saturn returning recently to Scorpio (a fixed sign) from Sagittarius offers a serious anchor for those who might otherwise feel ungrounded and another opportunity to examine whatever lies hidden hindering our ability to leap when necessary. Saturn completes its retrograde motion August 1st on the west coast and August 2nd on the east coast at 28 degrees Scorpio 17 minutes. As Scorpio represents the cycle of humanity birth, death, rebirth and regeneration there is a desire to understand this cycle as a relative experience; that our true nature is that from which this cycle emanates, not the cycle it self. When we realize the essence of duality, our truth is simultaneously known.Gemini, the twins, implies two whereas the Truth is ‘not two’. However, the experience of two is necessary in order to recognize the Absolute. Here two exist within one and the motivation toward dissolution of the notion of separation is what drives us to seek many experiences. At this time assistance to successfully attain our goal appears in Black Moon Lilith at 6 degrees Libra and conjunct the North Node (where we strive toward). In Libra the quest is balance in the environment that results in stillness in the inner environment.[caption id="attachment_10623" align="alignright" width="232"]
click to enlarge[/caption]Stillness, peace is the absence of thoughts to which we are attached that create ‘not peace’. The Black Moon, the darkest depths of space, inherently knows stillness and all that does not contribute to this looms large in our field. Almost with exaggeration does the influence of BML move us from ego based desire and fear toward a place of pure observation and living without editing what shows up on the screen based upon patterns from the past that have nothing to do with this present moment.BML trines Mercury within a degree so that subliminal messages can be expected. It may not be obvious what motivates some of our actions over the next few days but we may be sure that these actions will be supporting our highest good. Therefore trust your self and any insights you have now and always. You will see clearly that this is the easiest, most graceful way to be here. Everything occurs even without our constant need to manipulate and control.The message is to deeply focus on, not what moves and changes but that which does not; that which is the fabric of the fabric. The intellect that directs us, may carry us to the edge of what is known of physical reality but it can not take us to what we are and have never not been. When the intellect directing ceases to be the authority we are free to Be without the supervision of a limited source. We are free as unlimited source.As always the planets guide and as we are all at various stages of the journey our directions will be interpreted accordingly. Honoring the way in which you find your self uniquely expressing on the journey is as essential as being on the journey it self. It is the experience we want and can do without the judgment. Even that however, if that is what is happening is okay. But why judge what we know to be perfect as an expression of the Absolute, all that is.How can that be not okay?